k2-fsa / sherpa

Speech-to-text server framework with next-gen Kaldi
Apache License 2.0
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Attribute error #479

Open SSwethaSel0609 opened 1 year ago

SSwethaSel0609 commented 1 year ago

AttributeError: module 'sherpa' has no attribute 'OnlineRecognizer'

csukuangfj commented 1 year ago

Could you tell us how you install sherpa and what command you are using when you get this error?

SSwethaSel0609 commented 1 year ago

I have used this website https://k2-fsa.github.io/sherpa/sherpa/index.html and https://nadirapovey.com/my-sherpa-server-installation#59975be59a86465bb223ef46a5533c64

SSwethaSel0609 commented 1 year ago

while running this command ./streaming_server.py --port 6006 --max-batch-size 10 --max-wait-ms 5 --max-active-connections 1 --nn-pool-size 1 --nn-model-filename /mnt/speech1/nadira/stt/icefall-asr-librispeech-pruned-stateless-emformer-rnnt2-2022-06-01/exp/cpu_jit-epoch-39-avg-6-use-averaged-model-1-torch-1.6.0.pt --bpe-model-filename /mnt/speech1/nadira/stt/icefall-asr-librispeech-pruned-stateless-emformer-rnnt2-2022-06-01/data/lang_bpe_500/bpe.model i got error as sherpa has no attribute OnlineRecognizer

csukuangfj commented 1 year ago

Please show the output of the following command

import sherpa
SSwethaSel0609 commented 1 year ago

this is the output of the above command /mnt/efs/anandh/icefall/anaconda3/envs/icefall_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sherpa/init.py

csukuangfj commented 1 year ago

And please show the output of the following two commands

cat /mnt/efs/anandh/icefall/anaconda3/envs/icefall_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sherpa/__init__.py
import sherpa
SSwethaSel0609 commented 1 year ago

for the first command __init.py file has opened #

Copyright (C) 2007, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory

# #

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

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(at your option) any later version.


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Modeling and fitting package for scientific data analysis

Sherpa is a modeling and fitting package for scientific data analysis. It includes general tools of interest to all users as well as specialized components for particular disciplines (e.g. astronomy).

Note that the top level sherpa package does not import any subpackages. This allows the user to import a particular component (e.g. sherpa.optmethods) without pulling in any others. To import all the standard subpackages, use import sherpa.all or from sherpa.all import *.


import datetime import importlib import logging import os import os.path import subprocess import sys

all = ('citation', 'get_config', 'get_include', 'smoke')

from . import _version version = _version.get_versions()['version']

class Formatter(logging.Formatter): def format(self, record):

Get the full message, #1688 shows we can not rely

    # in record.msg.
    msg = record.getMessage()
    if record.levelno > logging.INFO:
        msg = f"{record.levelname}: {msg}"
    return msg

log = logging.getLogger('sherpa') handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) handler.setFormatter(Formatter()) log.addHandler(handler) log.setLevel(logging.INFO)

dbg = log.debug

del Formatter, log, handler

DEFAULT_CITATION = """Please review the Zenodo Sherpa page at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.593753 to identify the latest release of Sherpa. The Zenodo page https://help.zenodo.org/#versioning provides information on how to cite a specific version.

If you want a general-purpose citation then please use either of the following, kindly provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System service:

@INPROCEEDINGS{2001SPIE.4477...76F, author = {{Freeman}, Peter and {Doe}, Stephen and {Siemiginowska}, Aneta}, title = "{Sherpa: a mission-independent data analysis application}", keywords = {Astrophysics}, booktitle = {Astronomical Data Analysis}, year = 2001, editor = {{Starck}, Jean-Luc and {Murtagh}, Fionn D.}, series = {Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series}, volume = {4477}, month = nov, pages = {76-87}, doi = {10.1117/12.447161}, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {astro-ph/0108426}, primaryClass = {astro-ph}, adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2001SPIE.4477...76F}, adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System} }

@INPROCEEDINGS{2007ASPC..376..543D, author = {{Doe}, S. and {Nguyen}, D. and {Stawarz}, C. and {Refsdal}, B. and {Siemiginowska}, A. and {Burke}, D. and {Evans}, I. and {Evans}, J. and {McDowell}, J. and {Houck}, J. and {Nowak}, M.}, title = "{Developing Sherpa with Python}", booktitle = {Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVI}, year = 2007, series = {Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series}, volume = 376, editor = {{Shaw}, R.~A. and {Hill}, F. and {Bell}, D.~J.}, month = oct, pages = {543}, adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007ASPC..376..543D}, adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System} } """

def _make_citation(version, title, date, authors, idval, latest=True):

year = date.year
month = date.strftime('%b').lower()
nicedate = date.strftime('%B %d, %Y')

authnames = ' and\n                  '.join(authors)

if latest:
    out = "The latest release of Sherpa is {}\n".format(title)
    out += "released on {}.".format(nicedate)
    out = "Sherpa {} was released on {}.".format(version, nicedate)

out += """

@software{{sherpa{year}{idval}, author = {{{authnames}}}, title = {{{title}}}, month = {month}, year = {year}, publisher = {{Zenodo}}, version = {{{version}}}, doi = {{10.5281/zenodo.{idval}}}, url = {{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.{idval}}} }}

""".format(authnames=authnames, idval=idval, title=title, version=version, year=year, month=month)

return out

def _get_citation_hardcoded(version): """Retrieve the citation information.

version : str
    The version to retrieve the citation before. It is expected
    to be '4.8.0' or higher.

citation : str or None
    Citation information if known, otherwise None.

The entries can be created with the script:


def todate(year, mnum, dnum):
    return datetime.datetime(year, mnum, dnum)

cite = {}

def add(version, **kwargs):
    assert version not in cite
    cite[version] = dict(**kwargs)
    cite[version]['version'] = version

add(version='4.13.1', title='sherpa/sherpa: Sherpa 4.13.1',
    date=todate(2021, 5, 18),
    authors=['Doug Burke', 'Omar Laurino', 'wmclaugh', 'dtnguyen2',
             'Marie-Terrell', 'Hans Moritz Günther', 'Aneta Siemiginowska',
             'Jamie Budynkiewicz', 'Tom Aldcroft', 'Christoph Deil',
             'Brigitta Sipőcz', 'Johannes Buchner', 'Iva Laginja',
             'Katrin Leinweber', 'nplee', 'Todd'],
add(version='4.13.0', title='sherpa/sherpa: Sherpa 4.13.0',
    date=todate(2021, 1, 8),
    authors=['Doug Burke', 'Omar Laurino', 'wmclaugh', 'dtnguyen2',
             'Marie-Terrell', 'Hans Moritz Günther', 'Aneta Siemiginowska',
             'Jamie Budynkiewicz', 'Tom Aldcroft', 'Christoph Deil',
             'Brigitta Sipőcz', 'Johannes Buchner', 'Iva Laginja',
             'Katrin Leinweber', 'nplee', 'Todd'],

add(version='4.12.2', title='sherpa/sherpa: Sherpa 4.12.2',
    date=todate(2020, 10, 27),
    authors=['Doug Burke', 'Omar Laurino', 'wmclaugh', 'dtnguyen2',
             'Hans Moritz Günther', 'Marie-Terrell', 'Aneta Siemiginowska',
             'Jamie Budynkiewicz', 'Tom Aldcroft', 'Christoph Deil',
             'Brigitta Sipőcz', 'Johannes Buchner', 'Iva Laginja',
             'Katrin Leinweber', 'nplee', 'Todd'],
add(version='4.12.1', title='sherpa/sherpa: Sherpa 4.12.1',
    date=todate(2020, 7, 14),
    authors=['Doug Burke', 'Omar Laurino', 'wmclaugh', 'dtnguyen2',
             'Marie-Terrell', 'Hans Moritz Günther', 'Jamie Budynkiewicz',
             'Aneta Siemiginowska', 'Tom Aldcroft', 'Christoph Deil',
             'Brigitta Sipőcz', 'Katrin Leinweber', 'Todd'],
add(version='4.12.0', title='sherpa/sherpa: Sherpa 4.12.0',
    date=todate(2020, 1, 30),
    authors=['Doug Burke', 'Omar Laurino', 'dtnguyen2', 'wmclaugh',
             'Jamie Budynkiewicz', 'Tom Aldcroft', 'Aneta Siemiginowska',
             'Christoph Deil', 'Marie-Terrell', 'Brigitta Sipőcz',
             'Hans Moritz Günther', 'Todd', 'Katrin Leinweber'],

add(version='4.11.1', title='sherpa/sherpa: Sherpa 4.11.1',
    date=todate(2019, 8, 1),
    authors=['Doug Burke', 'Omar Laurino', 'dtnguyen2',
             'Jamie Budynkiewicz', 'Tom Aldcroft', 'Aneta Siemiginowska',
             'Christoph Deil', 'wmclaugh', 'Brigitta Sipocz',
             'Katrin Leinweber'],
add(version='4.11.0', title='sherpa/sherpa: Sherpa 4.11.0',
    date=todate(2019, 2, 20),
    authors=['Doug Burke', 'Omar Laurino', 'dtnguyen2',
             'Jamie Budynkiewicz', 'Tom Aldcroft', 'Aneta Siemiginowska',
             'Christoph Deil', 'wmclaugh', 'Brigitta Sipocz',
             'Katrin Leinweber'],

add(version='4.10.2', title='sherpa/sherpa: Sherpa 4.10.2',
    date=todate(2018, 12, 14),
    authors=['Doug Burke', 'Omar Laurino', 'dtnguyen2',
             'Jamie Budynkiewicz', 'Tom Aldcroft', 'Aneta Siemiginowska',
             'Christoph Deil', 'wmclaugh', 'Brigitta Sipocz',
             'Katrin Leinweber'],
add(version='4.10.1', title='sherpa/sherpa: Sherpa 4.10.1',
    date=todate(2018, 10, 16),
    authors=['Doug Burke', 'Omar Laurino', 'dtnguyen2',
             'Jamie Budynkiewicz', 'Tom Aldcroft', 'Aneta Siemiginowska',
             'wmclaugh', 'Brigitta Sipocz', 'Christoph Deil',
             'Katrin Leinweber'],
add(version='4.10.0', title='sherpa/sherpa: Sherpa 4.10.0',
    date=todate(2018, 5, 11),
    authors=['Doug Burke', 'Omar Laurino', 'dtnguyen2',
             'Jamie Budynkiewicz', 'Tom Aldcroft', 'Aneta Siemiginowska',
             'wmclaugh', 'Christoph Deil', 'Brigitta Sipocz'],

add(version='4.9.1', title='sherpa/sherpa: Sherpa 4.9.1',
    date=todate(2017, 8, 3),
    authors=['Doug Burke', 'Omar Laurino', 'dtnguyen2',
             'Jamie Budynkiewicz', 'Tom Aldcroft', 'Aneta Siemiginowska',
             'wmclaugh', 'Christoph Deil', 'Brigitta Sipocz'],
add(version='4.9.0', title='sherpa/sherpa: Sherpa 4.9.0',
    date=todate(2017, 1, 27),
    authors=['Doug Burke', 'Omar Laurino', 'dtnguyen2',
             'Jamie Budynkiewicz', 'Tom Aldcroft', 'Aneta Siemiginowska',
             'wmclaugh', 'Christoph Deil', 'Brigitta Sipocz'],

add(version='4.8.2', title='sherpa/sherpa: Sherpa 4.8.2',
    date=todate(2016, 9, 23),
    authors=['Doug Burke', 'Omar Laurino', 'dtnguyen2',
             'Jamie Budynkiewicz', 'Tom Aldcroft', 'Aneta Siemiginowska',
             'Christoph Deil', 'wmclaugh', 'Brigitta Sipocz'],
add(version='4.8.1', title='sherpa: Sherpa 4.8.1',
    date=todate(2016, 4, 15),
    authors=['Doug Burke', 'Omar Laurino', 'dtnguyen2', 'Tom Aldcroft',
             'Jamie Budynkiewicz', 'Aneta Siemiginowska', 'Christoph Deil',
             'Brigitta Sipocz'],
add(version='4.8.0', title='sherpa: Sherpa 4.8.0',
    date=todate(2016, 1, 27),
    authors=['Doug Burke', 'Omar Laurino', 'dtnguyen2', 'Tom Aldcroft',
             'Aneta Siemiginowska'],

kwargs = cite.get(version, None)
if kwargs is None:
    return None

return _make_citation(**kwargs, latest=False)

def _download_json(url): """Return the JSON data or None.

url : str
    The URL to process.

response : dict
    The data in JSON as 'success' or an error message as 'failed'.


import json
import ssl
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from urllib.error import HTTPError

# Need to set the Content-Type so it looks like I need
# a request. Darn it. Even though https://developers.zenodo.org/#list36
# claims you can set the content-type, it just seems to
# return JSON.
# req = Request(url,
#               headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-bibtex'})
req = Request(url)

# This is not ideal, but given the way that we package
# CIAO we can end up with issues evaluating SSL certificates,
# so as we are not sending secure information we drop
# the SSL checks.
context = ssl._create_unverified_context()

    res = urlopen(req, context=context)
except HTTPError as he:
    dbg("Unable to access {}: {}".format(url, he))
    return {'failed': 'Unable to access the Zenodo site.'}

    jsdata = json.load(res)
except UnicodeDecodeError as ue:
    dbg("Unable to decode JSON from Zenodo: {}".format(ue))
    return {'failed': 'Unable to understand the response from Zenodo.'}

return {'success': jsdata}

def _make_zenodo_citation(jsdata, latest=True): """Convert Zenodo record to a citation.

jsdata : object
    A Zenodo record.

response : dict
    Success in 'success' (dict) or failure message in 'failed'.


    created = jsdata['created']
    mdata = jsdata['metadata']
    idval = jsdata['id']
except KeyError as ke:
    dbg("Unable to find metadata: {}".format(ke))
    return {'failed': 'Unable to parse the Zenodo response.'}

created = created.split('T')[0]
isoformat = '%Y-%m-%d'
    date = datetime.datetime.strptime(created, isoformat)
except ValueError:
    dbg("Unable to convert created: '{}'".format(created))
    return {'failed': 'Unable to parse the Zenodo response.'}

    version = mdata['version']
    title = mdata['title']
    creators = mdata['creators']
except KeyError as ke:
    dbg("Unable to find metadata: {}".format(ke))
    return {'failed': 'Unable to parse the Zenodo response.'}

authors = [c['name'] for c in creators]
out = _make_citation(version=version, title=title, date=date,
                     authors=authors, idval=idval,
return {'success': out}

def _get_citation_version(): """What version of Sherpa are we using?

version : str
    The Sherpa version.

out = 'You are using Sherpa {}'.format(__version__)
if '+' in __version__:
    out += " (it is not a released version)"

out += ".\n\n"
return out

def _get_citation_zenodo_failure(failed): """Standard response when there's a problem.

text : str
    The failure message.

out = 'There was a problem retrieving the data from Zenodo:\n'
out += failed
out += '\n\n'
return out

def _get_citation_zenodo_latest(): """Query Zenodo for the latest release.

citation : str
    Citation information. It will include information
    on any failure.

# Can we retrieve the information from Zenodo?
# We do not access the DOI but the Zenodo API
# url = 'https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.593753'
url = 'https://zenodo.org/api/records/593753'
jsdata = _download_json(url)
if 'failed' in jsdata:
    return _get_citation_zenodo_failure(jsdata['failed'])

out = _make_zenodo_citation(jsdata['success'])
if 'failed' in out:
    return _get_citation_zenodo_failure(out['failed'])

return out['success']

def _zenodo_missing(version): """

version : str
    The version we are looking for.

message : str
    The "unable to find" message.

return 'Zenodo has no information for version {}.'.format(version)

def _parse_zenodo_data(jsdata, version): """Extract data for the given version from a Zenodo query.

jsdata : json
    The response from Zenodo.
version : str
    The version we are looking for.

response : dict
    Success in 'success' (dict) or failure message in 'failed'.

    hits = jsdata['hits']['hits']
except KeyError:
    dbg("Unable to find hits/hits")
    return {'failed': 'Unable to parse the Zenodo response.'}

data = None
    for hit in hits:
        if hit['metadata']['version'] == version:
            data = hit

except KeyError:
    dbg("Record missing version")
    return {'failed': 'Unable to parse the Zenodo response.'}

except TypeError:
    dbg('hits/hits is not iterable!')
    return {'failed': 'Unable to parse the Zenodo response.'}

if data is None:
    dbg('Version {} not found'.format(version))
    return {'failed': _zenodo_missing(version)}

return {'success': data}

def _download_zenodo_data(version): """Query Zenodo for the specific release.

We have to deal with pagination in the Zenodo response.

version : str
    The release number (e.g. '4.12.2').

response : dict
    The data in JSON as 'success' or an error message as 'failed'.


# We could set the size parameter to something very large, to
# get all responses with one call, but instead we use pagination.
# Zenodo helpfully provides a links/next record with the
# next URL, but it seems to be missing the all_versions=True
# option, which makes it less-than-useful, hence the addition
# of it below. The alternative would be to manually track the
# page counter and add '&page=n' to the call.
url = 'https://zenodo.org/api/records/?q=conceptrecid:"593753"&all_versions=True&sort=mostrecent'
missing = _zenodo_missing(version)

while True:
    dbg("Zenodo query: {}".format(url))
    jsdata = _download_json(url)

    # If the query fails then we error out
    if 'failed' in jsdata:
        return jsdata

    jsdata = jsdata['success']
    data = _parse_zenodo_data(jsdata, version)
    if 'success' in data:
        return data

    # There are two failures we care about:
    #  - we can parse the information but have not been able to
    #    find the version
    #  - any other reason
    # If the former then we look for the links/next entry to
    # look at the next page of the response. If it doesn't
    # exist we assume we are on the last page and so can error
    # out.
    # If the latter then we error out rather than trying anything
    # else.
    if data['failed'] != missing:
        return data

        url = jsdata['links']['next']

        # Add in the necessary all_versions tag: see
        # https://github.com/zenodo/zenodo/issues/1662
        if 'all_versions=True' not in url:
            url += '&all_versions=True'

    except KeyError:
        # There is no links/next field so assume we've checked all
        # pages
        return data

def _get_citation_zenodo_version(version): """Query Zenodo for the specific release.

As this has to return all Sherpa records it is slow.

version : str
    The release number (e.g. '4.12.2').

citation : str
    Citation information.

jsdata = _download_zenodo_data(version)
if 'failed' in jsdata:
    return _get_citation_zenodo_failure(jsdata['failed'])

out = _make_zenodo_citation(jsdata['success'], latest=False)
if 'failed' in out:
    return _get_citation_zenodo_failure(out['failed'])

return out['success']

def _get_citation(version='current'): """Retrieve the citation information.

version : str, optional
    The version to retrieve the citation for. The supported values
    are limited to 'current', to return the citation for the
    installed version of Sherpa, 'latest' which will return the
    latest release, and the current set of releases available on
    Zenodo (this goes back to '4.8.0').

citation : str
    Citation information.


vstr = _get_citation_version()

if version == 'latest':
    return vstr + _get_citation_zenodo_latest()

if version == 'current':
    # Replace with the version (excluding any extraneous
    # information). Note that development versions close to a
    # release will have a version which has no release, but
    # I believe it is okay to say "Hey, Zenodo has no info
    # on this", rather than to try and fall back to the
    # previous version (since there's no good Zenodo reference
    # in this case).
    version = __version__.split('+')[0]

# We could include a check on the version number (e.g. a.b.c
# where all elements are an integer), but do we want to
# require this naming scheme?

# If we know this version there's no need to call Zenodo
out = _get_citation_hardcoded(version)
if out is not None:
    return vstr + out

# In case the hardcoded list hasn't been updated.
return vstr + _get_citation_zenodo_version(version)

def citation(version='current', filename=None, clobber=False): """Return citatation information for Sherpa.

The citation information is taken from Zenodo [1]_, using the
Sherpa "latest release" identifier [2]_, and so requires an
internet connection. The message is displayed on screen, using
pagination, or can be written to a file.

version : str, optional
    The version to retrieve the citation for. The supported values
    are limited to 'current', to return the citation for the
    installed version of Sherpa, 'latest' which will return the
    latest release, and the current set of releases available on
    Zenodo (this goes back to '4.8.0').
filename : str or StringIO or None, optional
    If not None, write the output to the given file or filelike
clobber : bool, optional
    If filename is a string, then - when clobber is set - refuse
    to overwrite the file if it already exists.

If there is no internet connection, or there was a problem in
downloading the data, or the Zenodo API has started to return
different informatioon than expected, then the code will return
information on why the call failed and other citation options.

Zenodo only lets you perform a limited number of calls in
a set time span, so if you call this routine too many times
then it may start to fail.

If a specific version is given then a hard-coded list of versions
is checked, and if it matches then this information is used,
rather than requiring a call to Zenodo.


.. [1] https://zenodo.org/

.. [2] https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.593753


Display the citation information for the current release on
Zenodo. The information is paged to the display:

>>> import sherpa
>>> sherpa.citation()

Write out the citation information for Sherpa 4.12.1 to the file

>>> sherpa.citation('4.12.1', outfile='cite.txt')

Display the information for the latest release:

>>> sherpa.citation('latest')


from sherpa.utils import send_to_pager
cite = _get_citation(version=version)
send_to_pager(cite, filename=filename, clobber=clobber)

def get_include(): "Get the root path for installed Sherpa header files"

return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'include')

def get_config(): "Get the path for the installed Sherpa configuration file"

filename = "sherpa-standalone.rc"

# The behavior depends on whether the NOSHERPARC
# environment variable is set.
if 'NOSHERPARC' not in os.environ:

    # If SHERPARC is set, try that
    if 'SHERPARC' in os.environ:
        config = os.environ.get('SHERPARC')
        if os.path.isfile(config):
            return config

    # Can we use the HOME directory?
    home_dir = os.environ.get('HOME')
    if home_dir is not None:
        config = os.path.join(home_dir, f'.{filename}')
        if os.path.isfile(config):
            return config

# Fall back to the system config file
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), filename)

def smoke(verbosity=0, require_failure=False, fits=None, xspec=False, ds9=False): """Run Sherpa's "smoke" test.

The smoke test is a simple test that ensures the Sherpa
installation is functioning. It is not a complete test suite, but
it fails if obvious issues are found.

verbosity : int, optional
    The level of verbosity of this test
require_failure : boolean, optional
    For debugging purposes, the smoke test may be required to
    always fail. Defaults to False.
fits : str or None, optional
    Require a fits module with this name to be present before
    running the smoke test. This option makes sure that when the
    smoke test is run the required modules are present.  Note that
    tests requiring fits may still run if any fits backend is
    available, and they might still fail on their own.
xspec : boolean, optional
    Require xspec module when running tests. Tests requiring xspec
    may still run if the xspec module is present.
ds9 : boolean, optional
    Requires DS9 when running tests.

    Raised if any errors are found during the tests.

from sherpa.astro.utils import smoke
smoke.run(verbosity=verbosity, require_failure=require_failure, fits=fits, xspec=xspec, ds9=ds9)

def _smoke_cli(verbosity=0, require_failure=False, fits=None, xspec=False, ds9=False): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-v", "--verbosity", dest="verbosity", help="verbosity level") parser.add_option("-0", "--require-failure", dest="require_failure", action="store_true", help="require smoke test to fail (for debugging)") parser.add_option("-f", "--fits-module", dest="fits", action="store", help="require a specific fits module to be present") parser.add_option("-x", "--require-xspec", dest="xspec", action="store_true", help="require xspec module") parser.add_option("-d", "--require-ds9", dest="ds9", action="store_true", help="require DS9")

options, _ = parser.parse_args()

xspec = options.xspec or xspec
verbosity = options.verbosity or verbosity
require_failure = options.require_failure or require_failure
fits = options.fits or fits
ds9 = options.ds9 or ds9

smoke(verbosity=verbosity, require_failure=require_failure, fits=fits, xspec=xspec, ds9=ds9)

def _install_test_deps(): def install(package_name): try: subprocess.call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', package_name], stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) except: print("""Cannot import pip or install packages with it. You need pytest, and possibly pytest-cov, in order to run the tests. If you downloaded the source code, please run 'pip install -r test_requirements.txt' from the source directory first. """) raise

deps = ['pytest>=5.0,!=5.2.3']  # List of packages to be installed
pytest_plugins = []  # List of pytest plugins to be installed

# If the plugins are installed "now", pytest won't load them because they are not registered as python packages
# by the time this code runs. So we need to keep track of the plugins and explicitly pass them to `pytest.main()`.
# Note that explicitly passing plugins that were already registered would result in an error, hence this
# complexity seems to be required.
installed_plugins = []

for dep in deps:
    except ImportError:

for plugin_name in pytest_plugins:
    module = plugin_name.replace("-", "_")
    except ImportError:

return installed_plugins

def clitest(): """The sherpa_test endpoint."""

plugins = _install_test_deps()
import pytest
import os

# Add in command-line arguments to allow configuring the Sherpa tests
args = [os.path.dirname(__file__), '-rs'] + sys.argv[1:]

# passing the plugins that have been installed "now".
errno = pytest.main(args, plugins=plugins)

And for the second command I got the error like /mnt/efs/anandh/icefall/anaconda3/envs/icefall_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sherpa/init.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "/mnt/efs/swetha/marathi/ds-icefall-scripts/sherpa/sherpa/sherp_check.py", line 3, in print(sherpa.OnlineRecognizer) AttributeError: module 'sherpa' has no attribute 'OnlineRecognizer'

csukuangfj commented 1 year ago

Please don't use

pip install sherpa

which installs a wrong package.

Please use

pip uninstall sherpa

and follow the doc to install sherpa.

csukuangfj commented 1 year ago


Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 22 29 36

Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 22 31 38

SSwethaSel0609 commented 1 year ago

Can you please share your the doc

csukuangfj commented 1 year ago

Can you please share your the doc

Please follow


I found that you have already followed the doc.

Please post the installation log if you re-try in case you still have issues.