k2jp / abp-japanese-filters

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Remove stripe.com from list #27

Closed deardaniel closed 6 years ago

deardaniel commented 7 years ago

Stripe's Checkout does not work with this line. Stripe does not deliver ads from its domain, so removing this will not have any negative impact.

toshiya44 commented 7 years ago

I think it's fair to block it at third-party.

If you're having issues then you can make an exception filter for yourself temporarily. No need to put other users at risk as well.

fujisoft commented 7 years ago

The Stripe Checkout script should be embedded in the third-party web page, not in the *.stripe.com web site. This filter entry will block loading the script at "https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js". See also: https://stripe.com/docs/checkout/tutorial ありがとう。

k2jp commented 7 years ago

I said "Block third-party scripts leading to mixpanel.com for tracking" in the comment of https://github.com/k2jp/abp-japanese-filters/commit/b7e5049fc5f2ea52bf5fb62152554ebb0995123c .

Don't forget Support Policy

fujisoft commented 7 years ago

It seems that mixpanel.com is using "cdn.mxpnl.com".

BossaGroove commented 7 years ago

@toshiya44 @k2jp

what does it mean by "put other users at risk"? Stripe is a payment gateway company like PalPal, Braintree, or any other credit card company. For example, I run an online shop, and use Stripe to receive payments from my customers. Now for all the customers installed AdBlock with this list subscribed will NOT be able to pay on my site

It doesn't help for me to add whitelist on my computer. I can't ask all the customer visit my online shop: "If you want to pay, please add whitelist on your adblock because its Japanese subscription blocked the credit card payment gateway" Just like, you won't block NICOS in Japan right?

Many corporates rely on the revenue statistics analysis report provided by such as MixPanel, to help making business decision, e.g. estimate a customer's lifetime value. Stripe.com will not proactively sending information to MixPanel without shop owners' permission.

Even I use PayPal, Braintree, Nicos, or any other payment gateways, I can always send all the information to MixPanel by their API on server side, no one can block it on client side anyway. Then by the same logic, the list have to include every sites that integrated MixPanel, right?

All in all, it's really weird to consider MixPanel is evil, and have to block everything related to it, isn't it?

Please correct me if wrong.

k2jp commented 7 years ago


Respect Support Policy, or you will be blocked

andrew-d commented 6 years ago

Hello. I have the same problem with the filter list - this entry will cause problems with every store that uses Stripe's Javascript libraries (︶︹︺)

I have attached a screenshot of a site with the problem (https://datetime.store/)


Here is the documentation showing that this is not an advertising script. Please let me know if you would like any other details.

k2jp commented 6 years ago


andrew-d commented 6 years ago

Add your personal filter like... @@||stripe.com^$domain=example.com

Thank you! I have done this.

Again, respect Support_Policy or stop using ABP Japanese Filters.

My apologies. Could you please tell me what part of the Support Policy I did not follow? I would like to make sure that I know in case I need to make any further reports.

albb0920 commented 6 years ago

https://rails-assets.org/ もこのルールの影響で正常に表示できません。 このルールを無効化して、正常に表示しました。

stripe の決済ライバーリーは欧米のサイトで結構使われるようで、 追わえて stripe から広告を表示する事はありません、paranoid.txt に移動する可能性はないのでしょうか?

k2jp commented 6 years ago


albb0920 commented 6 years ago

ご返答ありがとうございます、 checkout.js を内容を確認したところ、このようなものがありますた

return (new Image).src = "https://api.mixpanel.com/track/?ip=1&img=1&data=" + dataStr

このスクリプトの場合は mixpanel.com をブロックすれば十分だと思いますが、 stripe.com が勝手にビーコンを埋め込むから、stripe.com もブロック対象になる理屈も分かります。

k2jp commented 6 years ago

以上の議論を踏まえ、妥協点として @albb0920 が提案した「パラノイドへ移す案」を試すことにしました https://github.com/k2jp/abp-japanese-filters/commit/b1a2beaa4c66abb776af2f4f4914e24085266a7b