k3b / APhotoManager

Manage local photos on Android: gallery, geotag with photomap, privacy, tags, find, sort, view, copy, send, ... .
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Folders are chaotic by default #156

Closed ildar closed 4 years ago

ildar commented 4 years ago

Settings have several paths and those are spread all over the filesystem. I suggest fixing defaults for that to be sub-/sdcard/Android/data/$APPID

k3b commented 4 years ago

The database specific and logging specific files could default to /sdcard/Android/data/$APPID/

Since i currently have 3 different $APPID-s ( APhotoManager (last fdroid release), APhotoManager.dev (work in progress( and APhotoManager.a10 (for #155 ) i prefer them using the same database and logging for these.

ildar commented 4 years ago

I agree that ../Andoid/data/$APPID/ isn't the best place for those kinds of data. But the main issue: the app creates too many folders in SDCARD root.

IMHO best choice is subfolder-ing standard Android folders like: /sdcard/Documents or /sdcard/Download or /sdcard/DCIM (for cache).