Proof Of Concept Pressure Sensor Paddles using strain sensor and ADC - Arduino Nano / CS1237 ADC implementation
(by HB9TXB)
Powerful and flexible keyer with built-in reliable iambic paddle, easily built without specialised mechanical (machining) skills.
Why load sensor:
Load sensor based paddle is self calibrating, sensitivity is adjustable from command line interface separately for dot and dash.
In order to reduce backslash, existing mechanical paddle design utilize ball bearings. It is an overkill as angular (rotational) movement is almost non-existent.
Mechanical contacts prone to bouncing.
Minimal contact distance (0.1 mm) and minimal force (10 grams) difficult to maintain with mechanical paddles.
More reliable compared to capacitive touch paddle, behaves like usual mechanical paddle.
Sensor paddle is an order of magnitude cheaper than mechanical paddles.
Proof Of Concept Pressure Sensor Paddles using strain sensor and ADC - Arduino Nano / CS1237 ADC implementation
(by HB9TXB)
Powerful and flexible keyer with built-in reliable iambic paddle, easily built without specialised mechanical (machining) skills.
Why load sensor:
Two Prototypes:
1) Implementation based on ESP32 based k3ng keyer - SP5IOU has OLED SSD1306 display and command line interface over Bluetooth, allowing parameter change from Android Bluetooth Seria Terminal . Uses Hx711 ADC.