k3oni / pydash

Small web-based monitoring dashboard for linux in Python and Django
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"Internal Server Error" when accessing pyDash #51

Open sammdu opened 7 years ago

sammdu commented 7 years ago

I followed the instructions of using pyDash with Nginx + Gunicorn, with the exception of cloning the repo into a directory that's not owned by a normal user (actually owned by nginx, where I put all my server apps), and installing it into a virtualenv. But when I run the server with:

sudo gunicorn -b wsgi

Page on my browser shows Internal Server Error, and the following crap got spit out in my console: https://gist.github.com/SammDu/b3b0867210540bf52e883cb87c648ab3 (Yup please click on the link to the gist cuz it's a nightmare to paste it directly in here lol)

Yeah so that where I'm stuck at and please take a look, thanks very much!

BTW if you want a record of what I did from the very beginning,
please take a look at this gist:

sammdu commented 7 years ago

@k3oni please take a look thanks bro X-D

ghost commented 7 years ago

@SammDu - Try running the pip install with the -H flag when using sudo. Without the -H flag the perms on the install could be incorrect resulting in your traceback (as shown in your gist)

stasfilin commented 6 years ago

Try sudo gunicorn -b pydash.wsgi

sammdu commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the delay...I've been kindda busy these days, but I'll be sure to try both suggestions out as soon as I can get my head around it. Thanks very much for responding, I appreciate the effort!