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Fix outdated/wrong HelmChartConfig example (regarding Traefik forwardedHeaders) #233

Closed flonix8 closed 5 months ago

flonix8 commented 6 months ago

The example for configuring the Traefik helm chart given here does not work, because the structure does not line up with the values file (the top-level ports node is missing). See here: https://github.com/traefik/traefik-helm-chart/blob/d9f4731fce7c8fdb134f417d977537e2ecad1a6e/traefik/values.yaml#L609

I am running k3s version v1.28.5+k3s1 (5b2d1271) which contains traefik-helm-chart traefik-25.0.2+up25.0.0.

For context: The documentation here contains an example on how to configure the Helm charts that are shipped with K3s, that is through the HelmChartConfig CRD. More specifically, it is an example that shows how to configure Traefik to trust, i.e. forward the X-forwarded-* headers if running behind another reverse proxy. It is exactly the use case I faced so I used it. My changes were not picked up, so I started investigating.

Now I'm seeing that this particular section has been introduced only a few weeks ago (https://github.com/k3s-io/docs/pull/220), which makes me a little uneasy.