k41n / redmine_milestones

Milestones plugin for redmine
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Repositories tab in settings #5

Open AlDemion opened 12 years ago

AlDemion commented 12 years ago

After installing plugin, 2.0-branch, repositories tab in the project setting was gone.

ShadowBelmolve commented 12 years ago

Same problem

iv1808 commented 12 years ago

Same issue. Followed the simple installation using ubuntu 12.04 LTS VirtualBox and installing redmine via sudo sudo apt-get install redmine redmine-mysql This installs Redmine 1.3.2. Then installed milestones plugin. Repositories tab disapears from Project Settings menu. Wehn milestones plugin is deleted from vendor/plugins directory Repository folder reapears.

jacovdm commented 12 years ago

running bitnami redmine on ubuntu 10.10 with redmine 1.3.2. can confirm having the same issue! when redmine_milestones removed Repository tab in settings returns

boos commented 12 years ago

For me too in redmine 2.x

jasir commented 11 years ago

For me too, redmine 2.0.3 stable

ux commented 11 years ago

I found the following code in https://github.com/k41n/redmine_milestones/blob/redmine-2.x/lib/milestones/projects_helper_patch.rb#L17

tabs.reject!{|x| x[:name] == 'repositories'} unless Redmine::VERSION.to_s.include? "1.4"

Then I tried to comment out this line and after that both modules works fine. My redmine version is 2.1.2 stable.

Redmine version 1.4 promotion :)

lokisite commented 11 years ago

Is there a valid reason why milestones would ever want to block a core tab in Redmine? This seems very strange...

ux commented 11 years ago

I assume that Redmine 1.3 has a special repositories tab or maybe it haven't it at all.

lokisite commented 11 years ago

Redmine 1.3 definitely has Repos as a core system.

ux commented 11 years ago

Anyway, there is commit named «Compatibility with Redmine 1.3» — https://github.com/k41n/redmine_milestones/commit/4c4b8de6704bd4fe4a215f2678448913a6f92346 So, I made decision that something is wrong with Redmine 1.3 or it's an anti advertising of Redmine 1.3 :)

And BTW, it's regrettably that Redmine 2.x branch of this project is developing so slow.

dglloyd commented 11 years ago

It looks like its due to app/views/_repositories.erb not existing, in 1.3.3 the file is app/views/_repository.erb

akohlsmith commented 11 years ago

I too see this problem with redmine 2.3. I remove the line mentioned by @ux and all seems well again. I believe he's identified the problem, it's been six months according to github... is this project still active?

cforce commented 11 years ago

You ncan switch to my fork, i fixed it in the redmine-2.x branch. https://github.com/cforce/redmine_milestones.git

However i am not and will not be the maintainer.

akohlsmith commented 11 years ago

@cforce I will definitely look at it, thank you. I also hear you loud and clear about not wanting to maintain. :-)

akohlsmith commented 11 years ago

@cforce you seem to have cleaned up the javascript as well. Was this causing trouble for you or was it one of those "this is bugging me, I'm going to do it correctly" kind of things?

cforce commented 11 years ago

Its just made comaptivle for rails 3 (prototype> jquery) .. as far as i rerember.. maybe i was drunk that night. Just to make sure! Don't give me any maintainership. I am irresponsible.. ;)

phlegx commented 11 years ago
