k4yt3x / video2x

A lossless video/GIF/image upscaler achieved with waifu2x, Anime4K, SRMD and RealSR. Started in Hack the Valley II, 2018.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
10.07k stars 974 forks source link

Command [...] returned non-zero exit status 1. #337

Closed davFaithid closed 3 years ago

davFaithid commented 4 years ago

Component Versions

Please at least fill in the release version and GUI or CLI version.


It just stopped and gave this error. In this section, briefly describe what's going on.

Error Log or Screenshots

Command '['C:\Users\davfa\Downloads\Compressed\video2x-4.6.0-win32-full\dependencies\ffmpeg-latest-win64-static\bin\ffmpeg', '-hwaccel', 'auto', '-y', '-i', 'F:\Movies & TV\Anime\Dragonball\OG\DragonBall - S1E004 - The Terrible Oolong.mp4', '-pixfmt', 'rgba64be', 'C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmp1hxwqfa3\extracted%0d.png']' returned non-zero exit status 1. It is highly recommended to include your error log.

k4yt3x commented 4 years ago

This line itself doesn't convey enough information. I'll need to take a look at the more detailed log file if you can upload it.

davFaithid commented 4 years ago
[+] INFO: Loading files into processing queue
2020-08-22 20:08:23.794321 [+] INFO: Input path(s): F:\Movies & TV\test\Recorded at 18.08.2020, 20_37.mkv
[+] INFO: Loaded files into processing queue
2020-08-22 20:08:23.800320 [+] INFO: Input file: F:\Movies & TV\test\Recorded at 18.08.2020, 20_37.mkv
2020-08-22 20:08:23.801320 [+] INFO: Creating cache directory C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x
2020-08-22 20:08:23.801320 [+] INFO: Extracted frames are being saved to: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmprhabf1bk
2020-08-22 20:08:23.802320 [+] INFO: Upscaled frames are being saved to: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmpfjs7hl55
[+] INFO: Reading video information
2020-08-22 20:08:23.802320 [+] INFO: Executing: 'C:\Users\davfa\Downloads\Compressed\video2x-4.6.0-win32-full\dependencies\ffmpeg-latest-win64-static\bin\ffprobe' -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_streams -i 'F:\Movies & TV\test\Recorded at 18.08.2020, 20_37.mkv'
[+] INFO: Framerate: 23.98
2020-08-22 20:08:24.008322 [+] INFO: Executing: 'C:\Users\davfa\Downloads\Compressed\video2x-4.6.0-win32-full\dependencies\ffmpeg-latest-win64-static\bin\ffmpeg' -hwaccel auto -y -i 'F:\Movies & TV\test\Recorded at 18.08.2020, 20_37.mkv' -pix_fmt rgba64be 'C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmprhabf1bk\extracted_%0d.png'
2020-08-22 20:08:24.141350 [+] INFO: Main process waiting for subprocesses to exit
2020-08-22 20:08:28.586459 [+] INFO: Subprocess 25524 exited with code 0
2020-08-22 20:08:28.687350 [+] INFO: Executing: 'C:\Users\davfa\Downloads\Compressed\video2x-4.6.0-win32-full\dependencies\ffmpeg-latest-win64-static\bin\ffprobe' -v quiet -pix_fmts
2020-08-22 20:08:28.741321 [+] INFO: {'yuv420p': 12, 'yuyv422': 16, 'rgb24': 24, 'bgr24': 24, 'yuv422p': 16, 'yuv444p': 24, 'yuv410p': 9, 'yuv411p': 12, 'gray': 8, 'monow': 1, 'monob': 1, 'pal8': 8, 'yuvj420p': 12, 'yuvj422p': 16, 'yuvj444p': 24, 'uyvy422': 16, 'uyyvyy411': 12, 'bgr8': 8, 'bgr4': 4, 'bgr4_byte': 4, 'rgb8': 8, 'rgb4': 4, 'rgb4_byte': 4, 'nv12': 12, 'nv21': 12, 'argb': 32, 'rgba': 32, 'abgr': 32, 'bgra': 32, 'gray16be': 16, 'gray16le': 16, 'yuv440p': 16, 'yuvj440p': 16, 'yuva420p': 20, 'rgb48be': 48, 'rgb48le': 48, 'rgb565be': 16, 'rgb565le': 16, 'rgb555be': 15, 'rgb555le': 15, 'bgr565be': 16, 'bgr565le': 16, 'bgr555be': 15, 'bgr555le': 15, 'vaapi_moco': 0, 'vaapi_idct': 0, 'vaapi_vld': 0, 'yuv420p16le': 24, 'yuv420p16be': 24, 'yuv422p16le': 32, 'yuv422p16be': 32, 'yuv444p16le': 48, 'yuv444p16be': 48, 'dxva2_vld': 0, 'rgb444le': 12, 'rgb444be': 12, 'bgr444le': 12, 'bgr444be': 12, 'ya8': 16, 'bgr48be': 48, 'bgr48le': 48, 'yuv420p9be': 13, 'yuv420p9le': 13, 'yuv420p10be': 15, 'yuv420p10le': 15, 'yuv422p10be': 20, 'yuv422p10le': 20, 'yuv444p9be': 27, 'yuv444p9le': 27, 'yuv444p10be': 30, 'yuv444p10le': 30, 'yuv422p9be': 18, 'yuv422p9le': 18, 'gbrp': 24, 'gbrp9be': 27, 'gbrp9le': 27, 'gbrp10be': 30, 'gbrp10le': 30, 'gbrp16be': 48, 'gbrp16le': 48, 'yuva422p': 24, 'yuva444p': 32, 'yuva420p9be': 22, 'yuva420p9le': 22, 'yuva422p9be': 27, 'yuva422p9le': 27, 'yuva444p9be': 36, 'yuva444p9le': 36, 'yuva420p10be': 25, 'yuva420p10le': 25, 'yuva422p10be': 30, 'yuva422p10le': 30, 'yuva444p10be': 40, 'yuva444p10le': 40, 'yuva420p16be': 40, 'yuva420p16le': 40, 'yuva422p16be': 48, 'yuva422p16le': 48, 'yuva444p16be': 64, 'yuva444p16le': 64, 'vdpau': 0, 'xyz12le': 36, 'xyz12be': 36, 'nv16': 16, 'nv20le': 20, 'nv20be': 20, 'rgba64be': 64, 'rgba64le': 64, 'bgra64be': 64, 'bgra64le': 64, 'yvyu422': 16, 'ya16be': 32, 'ya16le': 32, 'gbrap': 32, 'gbrap16be': 64, 'gbrap16le': 64, 'qsv': 0, 'mmal': 0, 'd3d11va_vld': 0, 'cuda': 0, '0rgb': 24, 'rgb0': 24, '0bgr': 24, 'bgr0': 24, 'yuv420p12be': 18, 'yuv420p12le': 18, 'yuv420p14be': 21, 'yuv420p14le': 21, 'yuv422p12be': 24, 'yuv422p12le': 24, 'yuv422p14be': 28, 'yuv422p14le': 28, 'yuv444p12be': 36, 'yuv444p12le': 36, 'yuv444p14be': 42, 'yuv444p14le': 42, 'gbrp12be': 36, 'gbrp12le': 36, 'gbrp14be': 42, 'gbrp14le': 42, 'yuvj411p': 12, 'bayer_bggr8': 8, 'bayer_rggb8': 8, 'bayer_gbrg8': 8, 'bayer_grbg8': 8, 'bayer_bggr16le': 16, 'bayer_bggr16be': 16, 'bayer_rggb16le': 16, 'bayer_rggb16be': 16, 'bayer_gbrg16le': 16, 'bayer_gbrg16be': 16, 'bayer_grbg16le': 16, 'bayer_grbg16be': 16, 'xvmc': 0, 'yuv440p10le': 20, 'yuv440p10be': 20, 'yuv440p12le': 24, 'yuv440p12be': 24, 'ayuv64le': 64, 'ayuv64be': 64, 'videotoolbox_vld': 0, 'p010le': 15, 'p010be': 15, 'gbrap12be': 48, 'gbrap12le': 48, 'gbrap10be': 40, 'gbrap10le': 40, 'mediacodec': 0, 'gray12be': 12, 'gray12le': 12, 'gray10be': 10, 'gray10le': 10, 'p016le': 24, 'p016be': 24, 'd3d11': 0, 'gray9be': 9, 'gray9le': 9, 'gbrpf32be': 96, 'gbrpf32le': 96, 'gbrapf32be': 128, 'gbrapf32le': 128, 'drm_prime': 0, 'opencl': 0, 'gray14be': 14, 'gray14le': 14, 'grayf32be': 32, 'grayf32le': 32, 'yuva422p12be': 36, 'yuva422p12le': 36, 'yuva444p12be': 48, 'yuva444p12le': 48, 'nv24': 24, 'nv42': 24, 'vulkan': 0, 'y210be': 20, 'y210le': 20}
[+] INFO: Starting to upscale extracted frames
2020-08-22 20:08:28.791321 [+] INFO: [upscaler] Subprocess 8924 executing: 'C:\Users\davfa\Downloads\Compressed\video2x-4.6.0-win32-full\dependencies\waifu2x-caffe\waifu2x-caffe-cui' --tta 0 --gpu 0 --batch_size 1 --crop_size 128 --output_depth 64 --output_quality 8 --process gpu --model_dir 'C:\Users\davfa\Downloads\Compressed\video2x-4.6.0-win32-full\dependencies\waifu2x-caffe\models\cunet' --noise_level 3 --mode noise_scale --output_extention png --scale_ratio 2.0 --input_path 'C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmprhabf1bk\0' --output_path 'C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmpfjs7hl55'
2020-08-22 20:08:28.836320 [+] INFO: Starting progress monitor
2020-08-22 20:08:28.837358 [+] INFO: Starting upscaled image cleaner
2020-08-22 20:08:28.841321 [+] INFO: Main process waiting for subprocesses to exit

Upscaling Progress:   0%|                                                                      | 0/127 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Upscaling Progress:   0%|                                                                      | 0/127 [00:01<?, ?it/s]
Upscaling Progress:   1%|4                                                             | 1/127 [00:02<02:06,  1.00s/it]
Upscaling Progress:   2%|9                                                             | 2/127 [00:03<02:05,  1.00s/it]
Upscaling Progress:   3%|#9                                                            | 4/127 [00:04<01:44,  1.18it/s]
Upscaling Progress:   4%|##4                                                           | 5/127 [00:05<01:49,  1.12it/s]
Upscaling Progress:   5%|##9                                                           | 6/127 [00:06<02:15,  1.12s/it]
Upscaling Progress:   6%|###9                                                          | 8/127 [00:07<01:51,  1.07it/s]
Upscaling Progress:   7%|####3                                                         | 9/127 [00:08<01:52,  1.05it/s]
Upscaling Progress:   8%|####8                                                        | 10/127 [00:09<01:53,  1.03it/s]
Upscaling Progress:   9%|#####2                                                       | 11/127 [00:10<01:53,  1.02it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  10%|######2                                                      | 13/127 [00:11<01:35,  1.20it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  11%|######7                                                      | 14/127 [00:12<01:39,  1.13it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  12%|#######2                                                     | 15/127 [00:13<01:43,  1.09it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  13%|#######6                                                     | 16/127 [00:14<01:44,  1.06it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  14%|########6                                                    | 18/127 [00:15<01:28,  1.23it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  15%|#########1                                                   | 19/127 [00:16<01:33,  1.15it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  16%|#########6                                                   | 20/127 [00:17<01:37,  1.10it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  17%|##########                                                   | 21/127 [00:18<01:39,  1.07it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  17%|##########5                                                  | 22/127 [00:19<01:40,  1.05it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  19%|###########5                                                 | 24/127 [00:20<01:24,  1.22it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  20%|############                                                 | 25/127 [00:21<01:29,  1.14it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  20%|############4                                                | 26/127 [00:22<01:32,  1.10it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  21%|############9                                                | 27/127 [00:23<01:33,  1.07it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  23%|#############9                                               | 29/127 [00:24<01:19,  1.24it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  24%|##############4                                              | 30/127 [00:25<01:23,  1.16it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  24%|##############8                                              | 31/127 [00:26<01:26,  1.10it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  25%|###############3                                             | 32/127 [00:27<01:28,  1.07it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  26%|###############8                                             | 33/127 [00:28<01:29,  1.05it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  28%|################8                                            | 35/127 [00:29<01:15,  1.22it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  28%|#################2                                           | 36/127 [00:30<01:19,  1.15it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  29%|#################7                                           | 37/127 [00:31<01:22,  1.10it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  30%|##################2                                          | 38/127 [00:32<01:23,  1.07it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  31%|##################7                                          | 39/127 [00:33<01:24,  1.04it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  32%|###################6                                         | 41/127 [00:34<01:10,  1.22it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  33%|####################1                                        | 42/127 [00:35<01:14,  1.14it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  34%|####################6                                        | 43/127 [00:36<01:16,  1.10it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  35%|#####################1                                       | 44/127 [00:37<01:17,  1.06it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  35%|#####################6                                       | 45/127 [00:38<01:18,  1.04it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  37%|######################5                                      | 47/127 [00:39<01:05,  1.22it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  38%|#######################                                      | 48/127 [00:40<01:09,  1.14it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  39%|#######################5                                     | 49/127 [00:41<01:11,  1.10it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  39%|########################                                     | 50/127 [00:42<01:12,  1.06it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  40%|########################4                                    | 51/127 [00:43<01:12,  1.04it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  42%|#########################4                                   | 53/127 [00:44<01:00,  1.22it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  43%|#########################9                                   | 54/127 [00:45<01:03,  1.14it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  43%|##########################4                                  | 55/127 [00:46<01:05,  1.10it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  44%|##########################8                                  | 56/127 [00:47<01:06,  1.06it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  45%|###########################3                                 | 57/127 [00:48<01:07,  1.04it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  46%|############################3                                | 59/127 [00:49<00:55,  1.22it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  47%|############################8                                | 60/127 [00:50<00:58,  1.14it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  48%|#############################2                               | 61/127 [00:51<01:00,  1.10it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  49%|#############################7                               | 62/127 [00:52<01:01,  1.06it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  50%|##############################2                              | 63/127 [00:53<01:01,  1.04it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  51%|###############################2                             | 65/127 [00:54<00:50,  1.22it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  52%|###############################7                             | 66/127 [00:55<00:53,  1.14it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  53%|################################1                            | 67/127 [00:56<00:54,  1.10it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  54%|################################6                            | 68/127 [00:57<00:55,  1.06it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  54%|#################################1                           | 69/127 [00:58<00:55,  1.04it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  56%|##################################1                          | 71/127 [00:59<00:45,  1.22it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  57%|##################################5                          | 72/127 [01:00<00:48,  1.14it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  57%|###################################                          | 73/127 [01:01<00:49,  1.10it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  58%|###################################5                         | 74/127 [01:02<00:49,  1.06it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  60%|####################################5                        | 76/127 [01:03<00:41,  1.24it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  61%|####################################9                        | 77/127 [01:04<00:43,  1.16it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  61%|#####################################4                       | 78/127 [01:05<00:44,  1.10it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  62%|#####################################9                       | 79/127 [01:06<00:44,  1.07it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  63%|######################################4                      | 80/127 [01:07<00:44,  1.05it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  65%|#######################################3                     | 82/127 [01:08<00:36,  1.22it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  65%|#######################################8                     | 83/127 [01:09<00:38,  1.15it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  66%|########################################3                    | 84/127 [01:10<00:39,  1.10it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  67%|########################################8                    | 85/127 [01:11<00:39,  1.07it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  68%|#########################################3                   | 86/127 [01:12<00:39,  1.04it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  69%|##########################################2                  | 88/127 [01:13<00:31,  1.22it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  70%|##########################################7                  | 89/127 [01:14<00:33,  1.14it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  71%|###########################################2                 | 90/127 [01:15<00:33,  1.10it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  72%|###########################################7                 | 91/127 [01:16<00:33,  1.06it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  73%|############################################6                | 93/127 [01:17<00:27,  1.24it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  74%|#############################################1               | 94/127 [01:18<00:28,  1.16it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  75%|#############################################6               | 95/127 [01:19<00:28,  1.10it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  76%|##############################################1              | 96/127 [01:20<00:28,  1.07it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  76%|##############################################5              | 97/127 [01:21<00:28,  1.05it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  78%|###############################################5             | 99/127 [01:22<00:22,  1.22it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  79%|###############################################2            | 100/127 [01:23<00:23,  1.15it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  80%|###############################################7            | 101/127 [01:24<00:23,  1.10it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  80%|################################################1           | 102/127 [01:25<00:23,  1.07it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  81%|################################################6           | 103/127 [01:26<00:22,  1.04it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  83%|#################################################6          | 105/127 [01:27<00:18,  1.22it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  83%|##################################################          | 106/127 [01:28<00:18,  1.14it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  84%|##################################################5         | 107/127 [01:29<00:18,  1.10it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  85%|###################################################         | 108/127 [01:30<00:17,  1.06it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  86%|###################################################4        | 109/127 [01:31<00:17,  1.04it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  87%|####################################################4       | 111/127 [01:32<00:13,  1.22it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  88%|####################################################9       | 112/127 [01:33<00:13,  1.14it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  89%|#####################################################3      | 113/127 [01:34<00:12,  1.10it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  90%|#####################################################8      | 114/127 [01:35<00:12,  1.06it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  91%|######################################################3     | 115/127 [01:36<00:11,  1.04it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  92%|#######################################################2    | 117/127 [01:37<00:08,  1.22it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  93%|#######################################################7    | 118/127 [01:38<00:07,  1.14it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  94%|########################################################2   | 119/127 [01:39<00:07,  1.09it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  94%|########################################################6   | 120/127 [01:40<00:06,  1.06it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  95%|#########################################################1  | 121/127 [01:41<00:05,  1.04it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  97%|##########################################################1 | 123/127 [01:42<00:03,  1.22it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  98%|##########################################################5 | 124/127 [01:43<00:02,  1.14it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  98%|########################################################### | 125/127 [01:44<00:01,  1.09it/s]
Upscaling Progress:  99%|###########################################################5| 126/127 [01:45<00:00,  1.06it/s]2020-08-22 20:10:14.979861 [+] INFO: Subprocess 16236 exited with code 0
2020-08-22 20:10:15.080911 [+] INFO: Killing progress monitor

Upscaling Progress:  99%|###########################################################5| 126/127 [01:46<00:00,  1.18it/s]
2020-08-22 20:10:15.617341 [+] INFO: Killing upscaled image cleaner
[+] INFO: Upscaling completed
[+] INFO: Converting extracted frames into video
2020-08-22 20:10:16.249724 [+] INFO: Executing: 'C:\Users\davfa\Downloads\Compressed\video2x-4.6.0-win32-full\dependencies\ffmpeg-latest-win64-static\bin\ffmpeg' -r 23.98 -hwaccel auto -y -f image2 -i 'C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmpfjs7hl55\extracted_%d.png' -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 17 -vf 'pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2' -tune animation 'C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmpfjs7hl55\intermediate.mkv'
2020-08-22 20:10:16.257724 [+] INFO: Main process waiting for subprocesses to exit
2020-08-22 20:10:19.407723 [+] INFO: Subprocess 9212 exited with code 0
[+] INFO: Conversion completed
[+] INFO: Migrating audio, subtitles and other streams to upscaled video
2020-08-22 20:10:19.509870 [+] INFO: Executing: 'C:\Users\davfa\Downloads\Compressed\video2x-4.6.0-win32-full\dependencies\ffmpeg-latest-win64-static\bin\ffmpeg' -hwaccel auto -y -i 'C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmpfjs7hl55\intermediate.mkv' -i 'F:\Movies & TV\test\Recorded at 18.08.2020, 20_37.mkv' -map '0:v?' -map '1:a?' -map '1:s?' -map '1:d?' -map '1:t?' -c copy -map_metadata 0 -metadata 'comment=Upscaled by Video2X' -movflags use_metadata_tags 'F:\Movies & TV\test\Recorded at 18.08.2020, 20_37_output.mp4'
2020-08-22 20:10:19.517901 [+] INFO: Main process waiting for subprocesses to exit
2020-08-22 20:10:19.619897 [+] INFO: Subprocess 6576 exited with code 0
Cleaning up cache directory: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmprhabf1bk
Cleaning up cache directory: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmpfjs7hl55
Cleaning up cache directory: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x
Redirecting console logs to C:\Users\davfa\Downloads\Compressed\video2x-4.6.0-win32-full\video2x_2020-08-22_20-07-50.log
[+] INFO: Loading files into processing queue[+] INFO: Loading files into processing queue

2020-08-22 20:13:28.460813 [+] INFO: Input path(s): F:\Movies & TV\Anime\Dragonball\OG\DragonBall - S1E004 - The Terrible Oolong.mp42020-08-22 20:13:28.460813 [+] INFO: Input path(s): F:\Movies & TV\Anime\Dragonball\OG\DragonBall - S1E004 - The Terrible Oolong.mp4

[+] INFO: Loaded files into processing queue[+] INFO: Loaded files into processing queue

2020-08-22 20:13:28.468813 [+] INFO: Input file: F:\Movies & TV\Anime\Dragonball\OG\DragonBall - S1E004 - The Terrible Oolong.mp42020-08-22 20:13:28.468813 [+] INFO: Input file: F:\Movies & TV\Anime\Dragonball\OG\DragonBall - S1E004 - The Terrible Oolong.mp4

2020-08-22 20:13:28.469813 [+] INFO: Creating cache directory C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x2020-08-22 20:13:28.469813 [+] INFO: Creating cache directory C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x

2020-08-22 20:13:28.470813 [+] INFO: Extracted frames are being saved to: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmp1hxwqfa32020-08-22 20:13:28.470813 [+] INFO: Extracted frames are being saved to: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmp1hxwqfa3

2020-08-22 20:13:28.471813 [+] INFO: Upscaled frames are being saved to: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmpyv1emv2j2020-08-22 20:13:28.471813 [+] INFO: Upscaled frames are being saved to: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmpyv1emv2j

[+] INFO: Reading video information[+] INFO: Reading video information

2020-08-22 20:13:28.472813 [+] INFO: Executing: 'C:\Users\davfa\Downloads\Compressed\video2x-4.6.0-win32-full\dependencies\ffmpeg-latest-win64-static\bin\ffprobe' -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_streams -i 'F:\Movies & TV\Anime\Dragonball\OG\DragonBall - S1E004 - The Terrible Oolong.mp4'2020-08-22 20:13:28.472813 [+] INFO: Executing: 'C:\Users\davfa\Downloads\Compressed\video2x-4.6.0-win32-full\dependencies\ffmpeg-latest-win64-static\bin\ffprobe' -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_streams -i 'F:\Movies & TV\Anime\Dragonball\OG\DragonBall - S1E004 - The Terrible Oolong.mp4'

[+] INFO: Framerate: 23.98[+] INFO: Framerate: 23.98

2020-08-22 20:13:28.542813 [+] INFO: Executing: 'C:\Users\davfa\Downloads\Compressed\video2x-4.6.0-win32-full\dependencies\ffmpeg-latest-win64-static\bin\ffmpeg' -hwaccel auto -y -i 'F:\Movies & TV\Anime\Dragonball\OG\DragonBall - S1E004 - The Terrible Oolong.mp4' -pix_fmt rgba64be 'C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmp1hxwqfa3\extracted_%0d.png'2020-08-22 20:13:28.542813 [+] INFO: Executing: 'C:\Users\davfa\Downloads\Compressed\video2x-4.6.0-win32-full\dependencies\ffmpeg-latest-win64-static\bin\ffmpeg' -hwaccel auto -y -i 'F:\Movies & TV\Anime\Dragonball\OG\DragonBall - S1E004 - The Terrible Oolong.mp4' -pix_fmt rgba64be 'C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmp1hxwqfa3\extracted_%0d.png'

2020-08-22 20:13:28.550812 [+] INFO: Main process waiting for subprocesses to exit2020-08-22 20:13:28.550812 [+] INFO: Main process waiting for subprocesses to exit

[!] ERROR: Subprocess 25208 exited with code 1[!] ERROR: Subprocess 25208 exited with code 1

[!] ERROR: Subprocess execution ran into an error[!] ERROR: Subprocess execution ran into an error

[!] WARNING: Terminating all processes[!] WARNING: Terminating all processes

Cleaning up cache directory: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmp1hxwqfa3Cleaning up cache directory: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmp1hxwqfa3

Cleaning up cache directory: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmpyv1emv2jCleaning up cache directory: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmpyv1emv2j

Cleaning up cache directory: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2xCleaning up cache directory: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x

Traceback (most recent call last):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "video2x_gui.py", line 104, in run
  File "video2x_gui.py", line 104, in run
  File "upscaler.py", line 667, in run
  File "upscaler.py", line 667, in run
  File "upscaler.py", line 573, in run
  File "upscaler.py", line 573, in run
  File "upscaler.py", line 401, in _wait
  File "upscaler.py", line 401, in _wait
  File "upscaler.py", line 385, in _wait
  File "upscaler.py", line 385, in _wait
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['C:\\Users\\davfa\\Downloads\\Compressed\\video2x-4.6.0-win32-full\\dependencies\\ffmpeg-latest-win64-static\\bin\\ffmpeg', '-hwaccel', 'auto', '-y', '-i', 'F:\\Movies & TV\\Anime\\Dragonball\\OG\\DragonBall - S1E004 - The Terrible Oolong.mp4', '-pix_fmt', 'rgba64be', 'C:\\Users\\davfa\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\video2x\\tmp1hxwqfa3\\extracted_%0d.png']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['C:\\Users\\davfa\\Downloads\\Compressed\\video2x-4.6.0-win32-full\\dependencies\\ffmpeg-latest-win64-static\\bin\\ffmpeg', '-hwaccel', 'auto', '-y', '-i', 'F:\\Movies & TV\\Anime\\Dragonball\\OG\\DragonBall - S1E004 - The Terrible Oolong.mp4', '-pix_fmt', 'rgba64be', 'C:\\Users\\davfa\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\video2x\\tmp1hxwqfa3\\extracted_%0d.png']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

here's the log

k4yt3x commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately FFmpeg didn't print why it failed in this log either. Care if I take a look at the original video? You can use Firefox Send to send it over.

davFaithid commented 4 years ago

I would be happy to, the only problem would be that it is an entire episode of Dragon Ball. Is this okay?

k4yt3x commented 4 years ago

Yeah it should be fine. The error seems to have occurred before the upscale started, so I don't think I'll have to actually run it through the entire upscaling process to know what went wrong.

davFaithid commented 4 years ago

So firefox send is "unavailable". So I will send it through Google Drive. You will need permissions to access it though


k4yt3x commented 4 years ago

Hmmm I didn't realize Firefox Send went offline. Can you make this link publicly available?

davFaithid commented 4 years ago

It should be public now

k4yt3x commented 4 years ago

I just downloaded the file and started processing it. It works just fine for me. Looks like we've got a Schrödinger's bug here. image

k4yt3x commented 4 years ago

I've just tested this on my virtual workstation. It works in that environment as well.

davFaithid commented 4 years ago

So I've tried other videos and I think it's an issue with video length. Other than that, I have no idea why this is happening.

I'll leave this issue open in case anyone else can offer an explanation or suggestion.

Thanks for all of the support and hopefully I can fix this issue.

davFaithid commented 4 years ago

It only seems to affect video longer than 20 minutes, because other video I've tried work perfectly unless they are longer than 20 minutes.

Here is a log for the same video from the latest version:

[+] INFO: Loading files into processing queue
2020-09-26 15:59:55.002520 [+] INFO: Input path(s): F:\Movies & TV\Anime\Dragonball\OG\Season 1\DragonBall - S1E004 - The Terrible Oolong.mp4
2020-09-26 15:59:55.004518 [+] INFO: File MIME type: video/mp4
[+] INFO: Loaded files into processing queue
2020-09-26 15:59:55.008518 [+] INFO: Input file: F:\Movies & TV\Anime\Dragonball\OG\Season 1\DragonBall - S1E004 - The Terrible Oolong.mp4
[+] INFO: Reading file information
2020-09-26 15:59:55.009520 [+] INFO: Executing: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\video2x\ffmpeg-latest-win64-static\bin\ffprobe -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_streams -i F:\Movies & TV\Anime\Dragonball\OG\Season 1\DragonBall - S1E004 - The Terrible Oolong.mp4
2020-09-26 15:59:55.089518 [+] INFO: Creating cache directory C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x
2020-09-26 15:59:55.090518 [+] INFO: Extracted frames are being saved to: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmplhorn4pw
2020-09-26 15:59:55.091520 [+] INFO: Upscaled frames are being saved to: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmp92dnvyzw
[+] INFO: Starting upscaling video/GIF
[+] INFO: Getting total number of frames in the file
[+] INFO: Calculating scaling parameters
2020-09-26 15:59:55.092517 [+] INFO: Framerate: 23.98
2020-09-26 15:59:55.092517 [+] INFO: Width: 852
2020-09-26 15:59:55.092517 [+] INFO: Height: 480
2020-09-26 15:59:55.092517 [+] INFO: Total number of frames: 37885
2020-09-26 15:59:55.093518 [+] INFO: Output width: 960
2020-09-26 15:59:55.093518 [+] INFO: Output height: 720
2020-09-26 15:59:55.093518 [+] INFO: Required scale ratio: 1.5
2020-09-26 15:59:55.093518 [+] INFO: Upscaling jobs queue: [1.5]
2020-09-26 15:59:55.093518 [+] INFO: Executing: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\video2x\ffmpeg-latest-win64-static\bin\ffmpeg -hwaccel auto -y -i F:\Movies & TV\Anime\Dragonball\OG\Season 1\DragonBall - S1E004 - The Terrible Oolong.mp4 -pix_fmt rgb24 C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmplhorn4pw\extracted_%0d.png
2020-09-26 15:59:55.099519 [+] INFO: Main process waiting for subprocesses to exit
ffmpeg version git-2020-01-24-e931119 Copyright (c) 2000-2020 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 9.2.1 (GCC) 20200122
  configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-sdl2 --enable-fontconfig --enable-gnutls --enable-iconv --enable-libass --enable-libdav1d --enable-libbluray --enable-libfreetype --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopus --enable-libshine --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libzimg --enable-lzma --enable-zlib --enable-gmp --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libmysofa --enable-libspeex --enable-libxvid --enable-libaom --enable-libmfx --enable-ffnvcodec --enable-cuvid --enable-d3d11va --enable-nvenc --enable-nvdec --enable-dxva2 --enable-avisynth --enable-libopenmpt --enable-amf
  libavutil      56. 38.100 / 56. 38.100
  libavcodec     58. 66.100 / 58. 66.100
  libavformat    58. 35.104 / 58. 35.104
  libavdevice    58.  9.103 / 58.  9.103
  libavfilter     7. 71.100 /  7. 71.100
  libswscale      5.  6.100 /  5.  6.100
  libswresample   3.  6.100 /  3.  6.100
  libpostproc    55.  6.100 / 55.  6.100
Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'F:\Movies & TV\Anime\Dragonball\OG\Season 1\DragonBall - S1E004 - The Terrible Oolong.mp4':
    major_brand     : isom
    minor_version   : 512
    compatible_brands: isomiso2avc1mp41
    encoder         : Lavf58.35.101
  Duration: 00:26:19.88, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 729 kb/s
    Stream #0:0(und): Video: h264 (High) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p, 852x480 [SAR 160:213 DAR 4:3], 594 kb/s, 23.98 fps, 23.98 tbr, 19184 tbn, 47.96 tbc (default)
      handler_name    : VideoHandler
    Stream #0:1(und): Audio: aac (LC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 127 kb/s (default)
      handler_name    : SoundHandler
[h264 @ 00000276c5ec0480] Using auto hwaccel type dxva2 with new default device.
Stream mapping:
  Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (h264 (native) -> png (native))
Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
Output #0, image2, to 'C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmplhorn4pw\extracted_%0d.png':
    major_brand     : isom
    minor_version   : 512
    compatible_brands: isomiso2avc1mp41
    encoder         : Lavf58.35.104
    Stream #0:0(und): Video: png, rgb24, 852x480 [SAR 160:213 DAR 4:3], q=2-31, 200 kb/s, 23.98 fps, 23.98 tbn, 23.98 tbc (default)
      handler_name    : VideoHandler
      encoder         : Lavc58.66.100 png
[image2 @ 00000276c5e48940] Could not open file : C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmplhorn4pw\extracted_32118.png
av_interleaved_write_frame(): I/O error
frame=32126 fps=128 q=-0.0 Lsize=N/A time=00:22:19.36 bitrate=N/A speed=5.33x
video:13538350kB audio:0kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: unknown
Conversion failed!
[!] ERROR: Subprocess 10424 exited with code 1
[!] ERROR: Subprocess execution ran into an error
[!] WARNING: Terminating all processes
Cleaning up cache directory: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmplhorn4pw
Cleaning up cache directory: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x\tmp92dnvyzw
Cleaning up cache directory: C:\Users\davfa\AppData\Local\Temp\video2x
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "video2x_gui.py", line 106, in run
  File "upscaler.py", line 802, in run
  File "upscaler.py", line 668, in run
  File "upscaler.py", line 409, in _wait
  File "upscaler.py", line 393, in _wait
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['C:\\Users\\davfa\\AppData\\Local\\video2x\\ffmpeg-latest-win64-static\\bin\\ffmpeg', '-hwaccel', 'auto', '-y', '-i', 'F:\\Movies & TV\\Anime\\Dragonball\\OG\\Season 1\\DragonBall - S1E004 - The Terrible Oolong.mp4', '-pix_fmt', 'rgb24', 'C:\\Users\\davfa\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\video2x\\tmplhorn4pw\\extracted_%0d.png']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
k4yt3x commented 4 years ago

av_interleaved_write_frame(): I/O error

Are you sure that you have sufficient disk space?

davFaithid commented 3 years ago

The upscale is working, thank you very much for your assistance.