I think this embed's title and description are not appropriate and less informative. For example, when a user joined to the server, it posts a notification with the embed that is titled 'Minecraft'.
When we use a dedicated notification channel for the Minecraft server, we already know this post meant about the Minecraft server's status and we don't need to explain a context of the server. We need an option to change title and description to provide more detailed information like this:
When users logined
title: Minecraft => User Logined
description: tskserver status => "{USER} logined to the server"
We need to consider the message body to apply this changes because this changes creates redundant between the message body and embeds' description. Currently we put "{USER} logined to the server" for accessibility because Discord's notification preview did not include embeds' text so we cannot get our notification message via Discord's notification preview. Before applying this change, we need to know how does the message with embed show up in Discord's notification preview. https://support.discord.com/hc/ja/community/posts/360048054292-Embed-notification-preview-should-show-embed-title-and-not-attachment-name
I think this embed's title and description are not appropriate and less informative. For example, when a user joined to the server, it posts a notification with the embed that is titled 'Minecraft'.
When we use a dedicated notification channel for the Minecraft server, we already know this post meant about the Minecraft server's status and we don't need to explain a context of the server. We need an option to change title and description to provide more detailed information like this:
We need to consider the message body to apply this changes because this changes creates redundant between the message body and embeds' description. Currently we put "{USER} logined to the server" for accessibility because Discord's notification preview did not include embeds' text so we cannot get our notification message via Discord's notification preview. Before applying this change, we need to know how does the message with embed show up in Discord's notification preview. https://support.discord.com/hc/ja/community/posts/360048054292-Embed-notification-preview-should-show-embed-title-and-not-attachment-name