kLabUM / rrcf

🌲 Implementation of the Robust Random Cut Forest algorithm for anomaly detection on streams
MIT License
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Some Questions about how to use rrcf ? #65

Closed liuguiyangnwpu closed 4 years ago

liuguiyangnwpu commented 4 years ago

Hi mdb, when I use pickle to dump the tree, it was throw the exception about error message. So, I use dill package to dumps. How to fix it ?

liuguiyangnwpu commented 4 years ago

and another question: why the rrcf model is so slow to create a tree? I use feature is [5000, 3] to run 100 times. each created-tree spend 0.82 second.

mdbartos commented 4 years ago


With regards to your second question, I'd recommend keeping the tree size small. As the size of the tree increases, it becomes more inefficient to insert points, especially when the paths become deep. Notice how in the batch anomaly detection example, we are using trees containing 256 points each to sample a dataset of 2010 points. In other words, you don't need to have all the points in every tree.

mdbartos commented 4 years ago

With regards to your first question, consider serializing with a well-known and human-readable format like json. Here's an example. If this is useful, I can add these methods to RCTree.

Create example tree

# Load modules
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import json
import rrcf

# Set parameters
n = 4
d = 3

# Generate data
X = np.random.randn(n, d)

# Construct tree
tree = rrcf.RCTree(X)
 │   ├──(3)
 │   └───+
 │       ├──(2)
 │       └──(0)

Serialize to json

def serialize(node, obj):
    if isinstance(node, rrcf.Branch):
        obj['type'] = 'Branch'
        obj['q'] = int(node.q)
        obj['p'] = float(node.p)
        obj['n'] = int(node.n)
        obj['b'] = node.b.tolist()
        obj['l'] = {}
        obj['r'] = {}
        if node.l:
            serialize(node.l, obj['l'])
        if node.r:
            serialize(node.r, obj['r'])
    elif isinstance(node, rrcf.Leaf):
        obj['type'] = 'Leaf'
        obj['i'] = node.i
        obj['x'] = node.x.tolist()
        obj['d'] = int(node.d)
        obj['n'] = int(node.n)
        raise TypeError('`node` must be Branch or Leaf instance')
# Create empty dict
obj = {}

# Serialize tree to dict
serialize(tree.root, obj)

# Dump to json file
with open('tree.json', 'w') as outfile:
    json.dump(obj, outfile)

# Read json file
with open('tree.json', 'r') as infile:
    obj = json.load(infile)
{'b': [[0.410598502, -0.151357208, -0.97727788],
  [2.240893199, 1.86755799, 1.454273507]],
 'l': {'b': [[0.410598502, -0.151357208, -0.103218852],
   [1.764052346, 0.400157208, 1.454273507]],
  'l': {'d': 2,
   'i': 3,
   'n': 1,
   'type': 'Leaf',
   'x': [0.410598502, 0.144043571, 1.454273507]},
  'n': 3,
  'p': 0.5285239876060783,
  'q': 0,
  'r': {'b': [[0.950088418, -0.151357208, -0.103218852],
    [1.764052346, 0.400157208, 0.978737984]],
   'l': {'d': 3,
    'i': 2,
    'n': 1,
    'type': 'Leaf',
    'x': [0.950088418, -0.151357208, -0.103218852]},
   'n': 2,
   'p': 1.6278109380129528,
   'q': 0,
   'r': {'d': 3,
    'i': 0,
    'n': 1,
    'type': 'Leaf',
    'x': [1.764052346, 0.400157208, 0.978737984]},
   'type': 'Branch'},
  'type': 'Branch'},
 'n': 4,
 'p': 1.7173439122667618,
 'q': 1,
 'r': {'d': 1,
  'i': 1,
  'n': 1,
  'type': 'Leaf',
  'x': [2.240893199, 1.86755799, -0.97727788]},
 'type': 'Branch'}

Deserialize and load into empty tree

def deserialize(obj, node, side='l'):
    if obj['type'] == 'Branch':
        q = obj['q']
        p = obj['p']
        n = np.int64(obj['n'])
        b = np.asarray(obj['b'])
        branch = rrcf.Branch(q=q, p=p, n=n, b=b, u=node)
        setattr(node, side, branch)
        if 'l' in obj:
            deserialize(obj['l'], branch, side='l')
        if 'r' in obj:
            deserialize(obj['r'], branch, side='r')
    elif obj['type'] == 'Leaf':
        i = obj['i']
        x = np.asarray(obj['x'])
        d = obj['d']
        n = np.int64(obj['n'])
        leaf = rrcf.Leaf(i=i, x=x, d=d, n=n, u=node)
        setattr(node, side, leaf)
        raise TypeError('`type` must be Branch or Leaf')
# Create anchor node
anchor = rrcf.Branch(q=None, p=None)

# Deserialize json object
deserialize(obj, anchor)

# Get root node
root = anchor.l
root.u = None

# Create tree and assign root node
tree = rrcf.RCTree()
tree.root = root

# Fill in leaves dict
tree.map_leaves(tree.root, op=(lambda x, leaves: leaves.update({x.i : x})),
# Set number of dimensions based on first leaf
tree.ndim = len(next(iter(tree.leaves.values())).x)
 │   ├──(3)
 │   └───+
 │       ├──(2)
 │       └──(0)
liuguiyangnwpu commented 4 years ago


With regards to your second question, I'd recommend keeping the tree size small. As the size of the tree increases, it becomes more inefficient to insert points, especially when the paths become deep. Notice how in the batch anomaly detection example, we are using trees containing 256 points each to sample a dataset of 2010 points. In other words, you don't need to have all the points in every tree.

Right, I use the max_depth to limit the each tree depth, it much more faster. thank you for your reply.

liuguiyangnwpu commented 4 years ago

With regards to your first question, consider serializing with a well-known and human-readable format like json. Here's an example. If this is useful, I can add these methods to RCTree.

Create example tree

# Load modules
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import json
import rrcf

# Set parameters
n = 4
d = 3

# Generate data
X = np.random.randn(n, d)

# Construct tree
tree = rrcf.RCTree(X)
 │   ├──(3)
 │   └───+
 │       ├──(2)
 │       └──(0)

Serialize to json

def serialize(node, obj):
    if isinstance(node, rrcf.Branch):
        obj['type'] = 'Branch'
        obj['q'] = int(node.q)
        obj['p'] = float(node.p)
        obj['n'] = int(node.n)
        obj['b'] = node.b.tolist()
        obj['l'] = {}
        obj['r'] = {}
        if node.l:
            serialize(node.l, obj['l'])
        if node.r:
            serialize(node.r, obj['r'])
    elif isinstance(node, rrcf.Leaf):
        obj['type'] = 'Leaf'
        obj['i'] = node.i
        obj['x'] = node.x.tolist()
        obj['d'] = int(node.d)
        obj['n'] = int(node.n)
        raise TypeError('`node` must be Branch or Leaf instance')
# Create empty dict
obj = {}

# Serialize tree to dict
serialize(tree.root, obj)

# Dump to json file
with open('tree.json', 'w') as outfile:
    json.dump(obj, outfile)

# Read json file
with open('tree.json', 'r') as infile:
    obj = json.load(infile)
{'b': [[0.410598502, -0.151357208, -0.97727788],
  [2.240893199, 1.86755799, 1.454273507]],
 'l': {'b': [[0.410598502, -0.151357208, -0.103218852],
   [1.764052346, 0.400157208, 1.454273507]],
  'l': {'d': 2,
   'i': 3,
   'n': 1,
   'type': 'Leaf',
   'x': [0.410598502, 0.144043571, 1.454273507]},
  'n': 3,
  'p': 0.5285239876060783,
  'q': 0,
  'r': {'b': [[0.950088418, -0.151357208, -0.103218852],
    [1.764052346, 0.400157208, 0.978737984]],
   'l': {'d': 3,
    'i': 2,
    'n': 1,
    'type': 'Leaf',
    'x': [0.950088418, -0.151357208, -0.103218852]},
   'n': 2,
   'p': 1.6278109380129528,
   'q': 0,
   'r': {'d': 3,
    'i': 0,
    'n': 1,
    'type': 'Leaf',
    'x': [1.764052346, 0.400157208, 0.978737984]},
   'type': 'Branch'},
  'type': 'Branch'},
 'n': 4,
 'p': 1.7173439122667618,
 'q': 1,
 'r': {'d': 1,
  'i': 1,
  'n': 1,
  'type': 'Leaf',
  'x': [2.240893199, 1.86755799, -0.97727788]},
 'type': 'Branch'}

Deserialize and load into empty tree

def deserialize(obj, node, side='l'):
    if obj['type'] == 'Branch':
        q = obj['q']
        p = obj['p']
        n = np.int64(obj['n'])
        b = np.asarray(obj['b'])
        branch = rrcf.Branch(q=q, p=p, n=n, b=b, u=node)
        setattr(node, side, branch)
        if 'l' in obj:
            deserialize(obj['l'], branch, side='l')
        if 'r' in obj:
            deserialize(obj['r'], branch, side='r')
    elif obj['type'] == 'Leaf':
        i = obj['i']
        x = np.asarray(obj['x'])
        d = obj['d']
        n = np.int64(obj['n'])
        leaf = rrcf.Leaf(i=i, x=x, d=d, n=n, u=node)
        setattr(node, side, leaf)
        raise TypeError('`type` must be Branch or Leaf')
# Create anchor node
anchor = rrcf.Branch(q=None, p=None)

# Deserialize json object
deserialize(obj, anchor)

# Get root node
root = anchor.l
root.u = None

# Create tree and assign root node
tree = rrcf.RCTree()
tree.root = root

# Fill in leaves dict
tree.map_leaves(tree.root, op=(lambda x, leaves: leaves.update({x.i : x})),
# Set number of dimensions based on first leaf
tree.ndim = len(next(iter(tree.leaves.values())).x)
 │   ├──(3)
 │   └───+
 │       ├──(2)
 │       └──(0)

thank you for your json Serialize/Deserialize method, I will create large forest to benchmark the serialize efficient.

Dill, Pickle, Json

liuguiyangnwpu commented 4 years ago

I want to know about the reason why the pickle dumps method not working. When I use from multiprocessing import Pool, Manager, the Thread Manager use Pickle to send bytes. But it's always failing send the dumps objects.

mdbartos commented 4 years ago

Try running pickle.dumps(tree.root) instead of pickle.dumps(tree).

Note that when you load the pickle, you will need to add the root of the loaded object to an empty tree. So, similar to the above code:

# Load pickle file
with open('tree.p', 'rb') as p:
    root = pickle.load(p)

# Create tree and assign root node
tree = rrcf.RCTree()
tree.root = root

# Fill in leaves dict
tree.map_leaves(tree.root, op=(lambda x, leaves: leaves.update({x.i : x})),
# Set number of dimensions based on first leaf
tree.ndim = len(next(iter(tree.leaves.values())).x)
liuguiyangnwpu commented 4 years ago

Hi, In isolate forest, there is a parameter named max_depth, which to control the depth about the isolate tree (also, It can speed up the tree created). Why not provide that parameter ?