ka215 / jquery.timeline

You can easily create the horizontal timeline with two types by using this jQuery plugin.
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addEvent causes entire timeline refresh #51

Closed robibuckley closed 3 years ago

robibuckley commented 4 years ago

Hey - just a quick one

I've noticed when trying to add events using addEvent it causes the entire timeline to flash as the timeline is reloaded/refreshed

Is there a nicer or cleaner way to do this?

I'm currently pushing items onto an existing timeline instance like this (with items being an array of bar objects)

$('#timeline').Timeline('addEvent', items);

This causes the timeline to blink as the entire thing is reloaded - I'm looking to push items on as and when they become available so the blinking isn't great from a user perspective (as i may ad an item every few seconds or so)

Any ideas?

robibuckley commented 4 years ago

Aaah after posting I realised this was simply a css effect (applied to the show and shown states)

Simply overriding the .jqtl-events style to always have opacity:1 sorted the issue

ka215 commented 4 years ago

Thank you, nice to solve!

ka215 commented 3 years ago

Fixed this issue in version 2.1.0.