ka215 / jquery.timeline

You can easily create the horizontal timeline with two types by using this jQuery plugin.
MIT License
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add event issue #89

Open danyaGharbieh opened 2 years ago

danyaGharbieh commented 2 years ago

I'm using the plugins and call add event js function but the event doesn't fired

js Code:

$('#roadmap').Timeline('addEvent', [ {start:'2022-05-16 00:00:00',end:'2022-12-20 23:59:59',row:3,label:'Add Event',content:'test test test...'}, {start:'2022-06-18 00:00:00',end:'2022-09-22 23:59:59',row:4,label:'Add Event 2',content:'test2 test2 test2...'}, ], function( elm, opts, usrdata, addedEvents ){ console.log( usrdata.msg ); // show "Added Events!" in console }, { msg: 'Added Events!' } );

is there any mistake ?