kaaholst / android-squeezer

Remote control for your Logitech Media Server ("Squeezeserver" etc) and players.
Apache License 2.0
75 stars 15 forks source link

Feature request: Advanced filtering in My Music>Genre #797

Open NicolasNicolass opened 1 year ago

NicolasNicolass commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone! Squeezer is a great app! I use it to listen my 811 albums library, which is well organised. Sorting albums by composer or artist is not convenient: there is too many results! Therefore, I usually use the My Music>Genre tool, to search in the library, according to my mood. But this search is too limited. For example, I cannot search by composer, which would be appropriate for classical music only. I have put several genre tags in my files, like piano;classical;punchy or guitar;jazz;calm... I would like to be able to select several genres at the same type. Now, for example, if I select Guitar, I arrive directly at the artist selection, without possibility to select Rock...