kaaholst / android-squeezer

Remote control for your Logitech Media Server ("Squeezeserver" etc) and players.
Apache License 2.0
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Open Squeezer from webpage #823

Closed bennyslbs closed 1 month ago

bennyslbs commented 1 month ago

I would like to open Squeezer from a link on a webpage or from HomeAssistant app.

Like issue #137 but not via ADB but via link on a web-page.

There is a mini HOWTO showing different actions: https://github.com/kaaholst/android-squeezer/issues/137#issuecomment-770409328

Is it possible to open now playing NowPlayingActivity - the other does not work for me. I would like to open the default/main page with Music/Radio/Search/... menu. Prefferable for a specific player.

Is that possible?

kaaholst commented 1 month ago

I don't know how that works. There seem to be information here: https://developer.android.com/training/app-links/ How do you manage to open NowPlayingActivity?

bennyslbs commented 1 month ago

I open NowPlayingActivity from adb. I think the link you shared is link from a app. I want link from webpage to app.

I thought it was just me there couldn't figure out how to do it, but seems not so easy today. I will close the issue. Sorry for interrupting you. Squeezer is great, thank you!

I have found: https://www.branch.io/resources/blog/how-to-open-an-android-app-from-the-browser/ This requires verification of app and website with link to app.

Prior I found this, but it is 11 years old, so that propably not possible today: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2958701/launch-custom-android-application-from-android-browser

kaaholst commented 1 month ago

I open NowPlayingActivity from adb. I think the link you shared is link from a app. I want link from webpage to app. OK I see. So this means that the other adb commands doesn't work. I will have a look and maybe update the GitHub wiki.

I thought it was just me there couldn't figure out how to do it, but seems not so easy today. I will close the issue. Sorry for interrupting you. Squeezer is great, thank you!

I have found: https://www.branch.io/resources/blog/how-to-open-an-android-app-from-the-browser/ This requires verification of app and website with link to app. Yes I believe this refers to the App links section a little lower in the Android documentation. It does indeed seem to not be easy.

Prior I found this, but it is 11 years old, so that propably not possible today: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2958701/launch-custom-android-application-from-android-browser