kaarthik108 / snowChat

Chat snowflake database - Text to SQL
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database and schema name not updated #14

Open ewosl opened 11 months ago

ewosl commented 11 months ago


I noticed that every time I change the name of the database and schema in secrets.toml and files in doc folder, it does not get updated in the subsequent generated queries - the queries continue to use the old database and schema. I tried clearing up the cache but it did not work. Any suggestions on how to work around this issue?


kaarthik108 commented 11 months ago

Hi @ewosl , changing the database setting in secrets will only say the model to execute the queries in that database. You will need to modify the docs/ folder to make sure the model knows your correct DDL

ewosl commented 11 months ago

Thanks for your response @kaarthik108. However, I also modified the docs/ folder every time and the issue remains.