kabachuha / MinecraftEcologyMod

Mod, that adds pollution and climate changing system to Minecraft
MIT License
19 stars 10 forks source link

Waila Integration Improvements #30

Closed pupnewfster closed 6 years ago

pupnewfster commented 6 years ago

Shows how much Pollution a TileEntity is producing. This includes both reductions in pollution and increases in pollution.

This is useful for large modpacks as it makes it easier for players to track down the causes of pollution.

kabachuha commented 6 years ago

I don't think it is advisable, a creation of a new item would suit this task better because it's good for the balance(you need to craft the item) and realism. So you can examine pollution production when you are really concerned about it (in survival mode) or just take the item from the creative inventory if you are the admin.

pupnewfster commented 6 years ago

I suppose it is not fully accurate to realism. Granted in real life you can lookup how much pollution certain machines would give off. Two other alternatives if you really don't want it to be shown (even though players could look in the config anyways):

EmChamberlain commented 6 years ago

I think that any information that could be gained outside the game itself should be more easily accessible in game. It is why mods tend to create guide books instead of just assuming that people will go to the wiki page to understand how the mod works. To me, adding waila support just allows me to enjoy the mod more instead of manually going to the wiki/config to lookup pollution values. I definitely support creating a config to enable or disable though and possibly even have the value default to disabled.

kabachuha commented 6 years ago

Well, then. Although I think it should be shown at least when you are pressing shift(or another configured key) to avoid the overflow with information.

pupnewfster commented 6 years ago

That sounds reasonable, would you like me to attempt to implement that? (for now probably would use whatever crouch is assigned to as most things that default to SHIFT use). And then later if you choose you can add a config option to disable it.

kabachuha commented 6 years ago

Yes, surely.

kabachuha commented 6 years ago

Moreover, I'm planning to add JEI support and I wonder if adding pollution config information(tile entities, sources and effects) as a JEI categories would be useful.

pupnewfster commented 6 years ago

@Artem226 I implemented the change show it only shows the detailed pollution values while sneaking. I wanted to make it tell them something along the lines of "Press to view..." but I had to tell them to sneak as I could not figure out how to get the players crouch key dynamically.