Since I never do step 5, I cannot find on the web console.
Later, I try using script installation, and all done! Now, I can use web console to find
So I went back the script to check, and realized the script have create more resource than the step 5. I just want to see what we can improve the doc in step 5 👍 in manual creation and asking why the web console will appear 2 appsody operator when searching.
So the scenario like this:
I have OCP 4.2 cluster an I try install kabanero and I follow instruction on and not sure step 5 how to proceed.
Since I never do step 5, I cannot find on the web console.
Later, I try using script installation, and all done! Now, I can use web console to find
So I went back the script to check, and realized the script have create more resource than the step 5. I just want to see what we can improve the doc in step 5 👍 in manual creation and asking why the web console will appear 2 appsody operator when searching.