kabanero-io / kabanero-foundation

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review comments to digest #192

Closed stephenkinder closed 4 years ago

stephenkinder commented 4 years ago

Add more detail on user scenarios and optional appsody updates.

smcclem commented 4 years ago

Line 166 & 172 in the new digest.md (existing text)

"The CLI and REST API will not return digests. The Kabanero operator will not process digests."

Please clarify these statements. Both CLI and Operator teams don't believe they are going to change any of their processing or output based on the current specified stack policy. They will continue to record (CRD) and report digest (CRD & CLI) data and mismatches (CLI) if they exist, irrespective of the policy that is set.

smcclem commented 4 years ago

(existing text)

The "governance-policy: and stack-policy section https://github.com/kabanero-io/kabanero-foundation/blob/master/design/digest.md#governance-actions

Is documenting the Kabanero CR. In the actual implementation, the CR does not use hyphens, but rather camel case.

smcclem commented 4 years ago

(existing text)

For a "stackPolicy" of "activeDigest", document that we will only update the .appsody-config.yaml stack version to the lastest of the MAJOR.MINOR, if and only if the stack version specifies a MAJOR.MINOR version. If it specifies a MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH that is not active, we will fail validation.