kabanero-io / kabanero-landing

A console application for managing your Kabanero instances. This repo will be archived soon.
Apache License 2.0
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Add integration tests for backend API #182

Open alohr51 opened 4 years ago

alohr51 commented 4 years ago

Feature description

Right now we have Unit tests, Integration UI tests with selenium, and now we need some for our API's that we wrote.

Our backend API endpoints need to be tested. This will require using mockito to mock some of the external API calls to the kabanero instance / GitHub API

Feature design or visual mockup

Test things like making sure the endpoints return the expected HTTP status codes and behave appropriately when given bad data.

For example for /api/tools/toolName, make sure it returns a 404 when give a toolName that is not in the mocked tool data.

A list of classes that need to be tested with this issue: