We will need a nice UI to allow users to update the instance. I am imagining a "edit" link right under the instance name in the accordion that opens a modal with a bunch of fields and a submit button that updates the button.
On "edit" link click -> there will be a request to get the latest instance information from the instance name (this endpoint should exist already) then the modal will take that fresh CR info from that request and fill in the modal.
This issue is only for creating that modal with 1 or 2 things to edit, we will add more in future edits. The first 2 should be the instance name and enabling/disabling the codereadyworkspace spec value. Example yaml below (but you should be using the kabanero operator bindings api)
We will need a nice UI to allow users to update the instance. I am imagining a "edit" link right under the instance name in the accordion that opens a modal with a bunch of fields and a submit button that updates the button.
On "edit" link click -> there will be a request to get the latest instance information from the instance name (this endpoint should exist already) then the modal will take that fresh CR info from that request and fill in the modal.
This issue is only for creating that modal with 1 or 2 things to edit, we will add more in future edits. The first 2 should be the instance name and enabling/disabling the codereadyworkspace spec value. Example yaml below (but you should be using the kabanero operator bindings api)