kabiroberai / theos-jailed

A Theos module to develop jailed tweaks for iOS 8 and up
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Several errors: "cannot find interface declaration for" #70

Open strano666 opened 3 years ago

strano666 commented 3 years ago


I've upgraded both theos and theos-jailed. Now i can not make the package because of the error following. Previously it works perfectly.

$@[~/----]> make package
==> Notice: Build may be slow as Theos isn’t using all available CPU cores on this computer. Consider upgrading GNU Make: https://github.com/theos/theos/wiki/Parallel-Building
> Making all for tweak TWEAK_NAME…
==> Preprocessing Tweak.xm…
==> Compiling Tweak.xm (armv7)…
In file included from Tweak.xm:8:
/---/hook/CommonDigestHook.h:8:31: error: cannot find interface declaration for 'NSObject', superclass of
@interface CommonDigestHook : NSObject {
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ^

There are several errors like this, all related to NSObject and superclass of <HOOK_NAME> My hooks are all similar. Quoting that one in the above error, these are the .h and .m files related to. CommonDigestHook.h

@interface CommonDigestHook : NSObject {


+ (void)enableHooks;



#include <substrate.h>
#include <CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h>

#import <fishhook.h>

#import "CommonDigestHook.h"

Following there is my Tweak.xm

// Importing Hook
#import "hook/CommonDigestHook.h"


I've also tried to reinstall entirely both theos and theos-jailed Thanks for any help!

L1ghtmann commented 8 months ago

This likely occurred as Theos migrated away from auto-importing UIKit/Foundation with the deprecation of Prefix.pch.