kabisa / maji

Maji is a framework to build great hybrid mobile apps.
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Add support for on-device testing with Calabash (or another similar tool) #123

Open pascalw opened 7 years ago

pascalw commented 7 years ago

Capybara/Rspec is simple, but running tests on real devices is much better.

The project template should include a Calabash example spec.

pascalw commented 7 years ago

Having used Calabash I'm not sure Calabash is a great fit for Maji. calabash-ios and calabash-android have very different API's which means cucumber steps need to be implemented twice, once for each platform. Also calabash-android is pretty limited, especially with regards to interacting with webviews.

Appium on the other hand seems to abstracts the platform much better. I was able to write a single spec that directly interacts with the Cordova webview, without having to write any special code for a specific platform.

However there are a couple of cons for Appium as well:

Food for thought.

pascalw commented 7 years ago

Given what I said above a full comparison between Appium and Calabash.

Calabash: Pro:


Appium: Pro:


All in all both have quite severe cons :-(

pascalw commented 7 years ago

One more thing to consider:

pascalw commented 6 years ago

Reworded this issue since with Maji 3 we no longer have capybara and rspec.