kabouzeid / nvim-lspinstall

Provides the missing :LspInstall for nvim-lspconfig
MIT License
526 stars 67 forks source link

Supported Archtecture #95

Open M1Sports20 opened 3 years ago

M1Sports20 commented 3 years ago

I use lspinstall on multiple architectures, obviously lspinstall only runs on x86. It would be nice if it didn't install x86 binaries if I am on a different architectures.
For now I just have, I am fine if this is the long term fix:

if system("uname -m") == "x86_64l\n"
 do lsp stuff.
kabouzeid commented 3 years ago

Some servers already support ARM. I don't have a device to test on. Feel free to make PRs for this.

kabouzeid commented 3 years ago

See terraform and rust for examples

M1Sports20 commented 3 years ago

Yes, looks like terraform and rust distribute binaries. I don't think the ones I look at do. For example: clangd. Darn edit: Actually, maybe they do: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/tag/llvmorg-12.0.0

kabouzeid commented 3 years ago

You could open an issue there, asking if they would be willing to also provide arm binaries in their releases. IIRC they are pretty responsive.


M1Sports20 commented 3 years ago

Yeah. There is an open ticket already: https://github.com/clangd/clangd/issues/514 Guess we can wait until this is complete.