kabouzeid / phonograph-issue-tracker

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Compilations #246

Open yurisuika opened 7 years ago

yurisuika commented 7 years ago

As a user with many comps and splits in his library, one major shortcoming of Phonograph is that it cannot detect them. Thus, when there is a comp or split, it shows as multiple albums. This is especially troublesome with a 100 song comp I have, haha.

There is a Compilation tag in ID3v2.3, TCMP. Many players don't support this unfortunately, Phonograph being one of them.

Steam's music player is another example of a player that does not either, but it does have an interesting workaround. If the files of the album are in the same folder, they will all appear as the same album in the listing.

Either of these implementations would be a huge improvement for organisation in Phonograph. VA album-artist is not a real fix and just replaces one problem with a worse one.

Here we witness two wild comps approaching eachother on the vast album plains. Watch as they spread their tracks to show dominance. Crikey! https://s26.postimg.org/bb4ww9m2f/Screenshot_20170915-060143.png

arkon commented 7 years ago

Crikey indeed. This is unfortunately a limitation of Android's media store that backs Phonograph and most other music players for Android. As a workaround for now, you could probably just play it from the folder browser instead.