kabucom / kabusapi

kabuステーションAPI ポータル
MIT License
295 stars 45 forks source link

【質問】APIリストに銘柄は登録されて、注文もされるのに記載したコードとは違う注文になります。 #855

Open ko38464646 opened 2 months ago

ko38464646 commented 2 months ago

import urllib.request import json import requests import config import websocket import _thread import time import pprint import sys


trade_flag = 1 trigger_stock_code = '' stock_code = '' Order_quantity = 0 Order_price1 = None Order_price2 = None Order_price3 = None last_triggered_price1 = None last_triggered_price2 = None last_triggered_price3 = None order_method = 'first' high_price = 0.0

def generate_token(): obj = {'APIPassword': config.API_PASSWORD} json_data = json.dumps(obj).encode('utf8') url = 'http://localhost:18080/kabusapi/token' req = urllib.request.Request(url, json_data, method='POST') req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') try: with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as res: content = json.loads(res.read()) token_value = content.get('Token') config.API_KEY = token_value return token_value except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: print(e) return None

def ats_register(token, symbols): obj = { 'Symbols': symbols, } json_data = json.dumps(obj).encode('utf8') url = 'http://localhost:18080/kabusapi/register' req = urllib.request.Request(url, json_data, method='PUT') req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') req.add_header('X-API-KEY', config.API_KEY) try: with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as res: content = json.loads(res.read()) pprint.pprint(content) except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: print(e) content = json.loads(e.read()) pprint.pprint(content) except Exception as e: print(e)

def market_buy_order(symbol, quantity): url = "http://localhost:18080/kabusapi/sendorder" headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-API-KEY": config.API_KEY } data = { "Password": config.PASSWORD, "Symbol": symbol, "Exchange": 1, "SecurityType": 1, "Side": "2", "CashMargin": 2, 'MarginTradeType': 3, "DelivType": 0, "AccountType": 4, "Qty": quantity, 'FrontOrderType': 10, "Price": 0, "ExpireDay": 0 } response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)) if response.status_code == 200: response_data = response.json() if 'OrderId' in response_data: print(f"Order placed successfully. Order ID: {response_data['OrderId']}") else: print(f"Order failed: {response_data}") else: print(f"Error: {response.status_code}, {response.json()}") if response.status_code == 400 and response.json().get('Code') == 4001001: print("口座残高が不足しています。")

def market_sell_order(symbol): url = f'http://localhost:18080/kabusapi/positions' headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-API-KEY": config.API_KEY } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: positions = response.json() for position in positions: if position['Side'] == '2': qty = position['LeavesQty'] order_id = position['ExecutionID'] sell_data = { "Password": config.PASSWORD, "Symbol": symbol, "Exchange": 1, "SecurityType": 1, "Side": "1", "CashMargin": 3, 'MarginTradeType': 3, "DelivType": 0, "AccountType": 4, "Qty": qty, 'FrontOrderType': 10, "Price": 0, "ExpireDay": 0, "PositionId": order_id } sell_response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(sell_data)) if sell_response.status_code == 200: print(f"Sell order placed successfully for {qty} shares of {symbol}.") else: print(f"Error placing sell order: {sell_response.status_code}, {sell_response.json()}") else: print(f"Error fetching positions: {response.status_code}, {response.json()}")

def ats_sendorder_margin_new(trade_flag, stock_code, Order_quantity, Order_price): url = "http://localhost:18080/kabusapi/sendorder" headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-API-KEY": config.API_KEY } data = { "Password": config.PASSWORD, "Symbol": stock_code, "Exchange": 1, "SecurityType": 1, "FrontOrderType": 20, "Side": "2", "CashMargin": 2, 'MarginTradeType': 3, "DelivType": 0, "AccountType": 4, "Qty": Order_quantity, "Price": Order_price, "ExpireDay": 0 } response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)) if response.status_code == 200: response_data = response.json() if 'OrderId' in response_data: print(f"Order placed successfully. Order ID: {response_data['OrderId']}") else: print(f"Order failed: {response_data}") else: response_data = response.json() print(f"Error: {response.status_code}, {response_data}") if response.status_code == 500 and response_data.get('Code') == 21: print("可能額が不足しています。ご注文内容をご確認ください。") elif response.status_code == 400 and response_data.get('Code') == 4001005: print("パラメータ変換エラーが発生しました。ご注文内容をご確認ください。")

def receive_websocket(content, trade_flag, trigger_stock_code, Order_price1, Order_price2, Order_price3, stock_code, Order_quantity, last_triggered_price1, last_triggered_price2, last_triggered_price3, order_method, high_price): content_Symbol = content['Symbol'] content_SymbolName = content['SymbolName'] content_CurrentPrice = content['CurrentPrice'] opening_price = content.get('OpeningPrice')

print(f'content_Symbol: {content_Symbol}')
print(f'content_SymbolName: {content_SymbolName}')
print(f'content_CurrentPrice: {content_CurrentPrice}')
print(f'opening_price: {opening_price}')

if content_Symbol == trigger_stock_code:
    if order_method == 'first':
        ref_price = None
        if opening_price:
            if Order_price1 and opening_price > Order_price1:
                ref_price = Order_price1
            if Order_price2 and opening_price > Order_price2:
                ref_price = Order_price2
            if Order_price3 and opening_price > Order_price3:
                ref_price = Order_price3

            if ref_price and opening_price >= ref_price:
                Order_price1 = opening_price
                last_triggered_price1 = None
                order_method = 'first_from_opening'

        if Order_price1 and content_CurrentPrice >= Order_price1 and last_triggered_price1 != content_CurrentPrice:
            print(f'発注条件に到達しました (Order_price1)')
            market_buy_order(stock_code, Order_quantity)
            last_triggered_price1 = content_CurrentPrice
        if Order_price1 and content_CurrentPrice == Order_price1 - 1:
            print(f'決済条件に到達しました (Order_price1 - 1)')
            last_triggered_price1 = content_CurrentPrice

        if Order_price2 and content_CurrentPrice >= Order_price2 and last_triggered_price2 != content_CurrentPrice:
            print(f'発注条件に到達しました (Order_price2)')
            market_buy_order(stock_code, Order_quantity)
            last_triggered_price2 = content_CurrentPrice
        if Order_price2 and content_CurrentPrice == Order_price2 - 1:
            print(f'決済条件に到達しました (Order_price2 - 1)')
            last_triggered_price2 = content_CurrentPrice

        if Order_price3 and content_CurrentPrice >= Order_price3 and last_triggered_price3 != content_CurrentPrice:
            print(f'発注条件に到達しました (Order_price3)')
            market_buy_order(stock_code, Order_quantity)
            last_triggered_price3 = content_CurrentPrice
        if Order_price3 and content_CurrentPrice == Order_price3 - 1:
            print(f'決済条件に到達しました (Order_price3 - 1)')
            last_triggered_price3 = content_CurrentPrice

    elif order_method == 'second':
        if Order_price1 and content_CurrentPrice == Order_price1 - 1 and last_triggered_price1 != content_CurrentPrice:
            print(f'決済条件に到達しました (Order_price1 - 1)')
            high_price = Order_price1
            last_triggered_price1 = content_CurrentPrice

        if Order_price2 and content_CurrentPrice == Order_price2 - 1 and last_triggered_price2 != content_CurrentPrice:
            print(f'決済条件に到達しました (Order_price2 - 1)')
            high_price = Order_price2
            last_triggered_price2 = content_CurrentPrice

        if Order_price3 and content_CurrentPrice == Order_price3 - 1 and last_triggered_price3 != content_CurrentPrice:
            print(f'決済条件に到達しました (Order_price3 - 1)')
            high_price = Order_price3
            last_triggered_price3 = content_CurrentPrice

        if content_CurrentPrice > high_price:
            high_price = content_CurrentPrice

        if content_CurrentPrice == high_price + 1 and high_price != last_triggered_price1:
            print(f'発注条件に到達しました (high_price + 1)')
            market_buy_order(stock_code, Order_quantity)
            last_triggered_price1 = high_price + 1

return trade_flag, last_triggered_price1, last_triggered_price2, last_triggered_price3, high_price

def on_message(ws, message): global trade_flag, trigger_stock_code, Order_price1, Order_price2, Order_price3, stock_code, Order_quantity, last_triggered_price1, last_triggered_price2, last_triggered_price3, order_method, high_price print('--- RECV MSG. ---') content = json.loads(message) print('Received content:', content) trade_flag, last_triggered_price1, last_triggered_price2, last_triggered_price3, high_price = receive_websocket( content, trade_flag, trigger_stock_code, Order_price1, Order_price2, Order_price3, stock_code, Order_quantity, last_triggered_price1, last_triggered_price2, last_triggered_price3, order_method, high_price )

def on_error(ws, error): print('--- ERROR ---') print(error)

def on_close(ws): print('--- DISCONNECTED ---')

def on_open(ws): print('--- CONNECTED ---') def run(*args): while True: line = sys.stdin.readline() if line != '': print('closing...') ws.close() _thread.start_new_thread(run, ())

def ats_websocket(): websocket.enableTrace(True) url = 'ws://localhost:18080/kabusapi/websocket' ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(url, on_message=on_message, on_error=on_error, on_close=on_close) ws.on_open = on_open ws.run_forever()

def start_websocket(stock_code_input, order_price1_input, order_price2_input, order_price3_input, order_quantity_input, order_method_input): global trade_flag, trigger_stock_code, Order_price1, Order_price2, Order_price3, stock_code, Order_quantity, last_triggered_price1, last_triggered_price2, last_triggered_price3, order_method, high_price trade_flag = 1 trigger_stock_code = stock_code_input Order_price1 = float(order_price1_input) if order_price1_input else None Order_price2 = float(order_price2_input) if order_price2_input else None Order_price3 = float(order_price3_input) if order_price3_input else None stock_code = stock_code_input Order_quantity = int(order_quantity_input) order_method = order_method_input last_triggered_price1 = None last_triggered_price2 = None last_triggered_price3 = None high_price = 0.0

token = generate_token()
if token:
    symbols = [{'Symbol': stock_code_input, 'Exchange': 1}]
    ats_register(token, symbols)

def stop_websocket(stock_code): print(f'WebSocket connection stopped for stock code: {stock_code}')


satosato125 commented 1 month ago


返済となるmarket_sell_order以外にも、数か所にmarket_buy_orderの記載があるようにお見受けいたします。 新規発注、返済の条件にお間違えがないか、ご確認をお願いいたします。