Open kaburia opened 1 year ago
resulted to multi processing def multiple_measurements(self, stations_list, csv_file, startDate, endDate, variables, dataset='controlled', aggregate=True): """ Retrieves measurements for multiple stations and saves the aggregated data to a CSV file.
- stations_list (list): A list of strings containing the names of the stations to retrieve data from.
- csv_file (str): The name of the CSV file to save the data to.
- startDate (str): The start date for the measurements, in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd'.
- endDate (str): The end date for the measurements, in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd'.
- variables (list): A list of strings containing the names of the variables to retrieve.
- dataset (str): The name of the dataset to retrieve the data from. Default is 'controlled'.
- df (pandas.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing the aggregated data for all stations.
ValueError: If stations_list is not a list.
if not isinstance(stations_list, list):
raise ValueError('Pass in a list')
error_dict = {}
pool = mp.Pool(processes=mp.cpu_count()) # Use all available CPU cores
results = []
with tqdm(total=len(stations_list), desc='Retrieving data for stations') as pbar:
for station in stations_list:
results.append(pool.apply_async(self.retrieve_data, args=(station, startDate, endDate, variables, dataset, aggregate), callback=lambda _: pbar.update(1)))
df_stats = [result.get() for result in results if isinstance(result.get(), pd.DataFrame)]
if len(df_stats) > 0:
df = pd.concat(df_stats, axis=1)
return df
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
The method is well optimized for requesting single variables with a list of stations to get data and might not work as well given multiple variables together with multiple stations list
Use generators in the multiple_measurements function to reduce memory usage Alternatively to find a more optimal way rather than for loops