kach / nearley

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Parser recognizes same non-terminal symbol multiple times under specific conditions #374

Open larsjueljensen opened 6 years ago

larsjueljensen commented 6 years ago

Copied from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50204380

Given the following nearley code:

   @builtin "whitespace.ne"


   let numberedParams = {
       3: 45

   const lexer = require("moo").compile({
       comment: /\(.*?\)/,
       expstart: /\[/,
       expend: /\]/,
       paramstart: '#',
       equals: "=",
       operator: /\*\*|\+|\-|\*|\/|OR|XOR|AND|MOD|EQ|NE|GT|GE|LT|LE/,
       function: ['ATAN','ABS','ACOS','ASIN','COS','EXP','FIX','FUP','ROUND','LN','SIN','SQRT','TAN','EXISTS'],
       linenumber_command: 'N',
       float: /[0-9]*\.[0-9]+/,
       int: /[0-9]+/,
       ws: /[ \t]+/,
       EOL: {match: /(?:\r\n?|\n)/, lineBreaks: true }

   // Converts from degrees to radians.
   Math.radians = function(degrees) {
     return degrees * Math.PI / 180;

   // Converts from radians to degrees.
   Math.degrees = function(radians) {
     return radians * 180 / Math.PI;

   function empty(d) {
       return null;

   function logid(prefix) {
       return function (d) {
           console.log(prefix, d);
           return d;

   // Appends to list
   function append(d) {
       if (Array.isArray(d[0])) {
           return d[0].concat(d[2]);
       return [d[0], d[2]];

   function getparam(d) {
       return numberedParams[String(d[1])] | 0.0;

   // Returns the result of one parsed line
   function processLine(d) {


       if (d[0] != null) {
           return [];

       if (d[2] != null) {
           return [d[2]].concat(d[4]);

       if (! Array.isArray(d[4])) {
           return [d[4]];

       return d[4];


   @lexer lexer

   line ->
       block_delete:? _ linenumber:? _ line_items EOL {% processLine %}

   block_delete ->
       "/" {% id %}

   linenumber ->
       %linenumber_command int_or_float {% function (d) { return {command: d[0].value, value: d[1]}; } %}

   line_items ->
       line_item {% id %}
       | line_items _ line_item {% append %}

   line_item ->
       comment {% id %}
       | parameter_setting {% id %}
       | word {% id %}

   word ->
       %command _ number {% function (d) { return {command: d[0].value, value: d[2]}; } %}

   parameter_start ->
       %paramstart {% id %}

   parameter_setting ->
       parameter_start parameter_index _ %equals _ number {% function (d) { return {command: d[0].value + d[1], value: d[5]}; }  %}

   comment ->
       %comment {% function (d) { return {command: 'COMMENT', value: d[0].value}; } %}

   gcode_expression ->
       "[" _ expression _ "]" {% (d) => d[2] %}

   expression ->
       logical_expression {% id %}

   logical_expression ->
       comparative_expression {% id %}
       | logical_expression _ "AND" _ comparative_expression {% (d) => d[0] && d[4] %}
       | logical_expression _ "OR" _ comparative_expression {% (d) => d[0] || d[4] %}
       | logical_expression _ "XOR" _ comparative_expression {% (d) => ((d[0] && !d[4]) || (!d[0] && d[4])) %}

   comparative_expression ->
       additive_expression {% id %}
       | comparative_expression _ "EQ" _ additive_expression {% (d) => d[0] == d[4] %}
       | comparative_expression _ "NE" _ additive_expression {% (d) => d[0] != d[4] %}
       | comparative_expression _ "GT" _ additive_expression {% (d) => d[0] > d[4] %}
       | comparative_expression _ "GE" _ additive_expression {% (d) => d[0] >= d[4] %}
       | comparative_expression _ "LT" _ additive_expression {% (d) => d[0] < d[4] %}
       | comparative_expression _ "LE" _ additive_expression {% (d) => d[0] <= d[4] %}

   additive_expression ->
       multiplicative_expression {% id %}
       | additive_expression _ "+"  _ multiplicative_expression {% (d) => d[0] + d[4] %}
       | additive_expression _ "-"  _ multiplicative_expression {% (d) => d[0] - d[4] %}

   multiplicative_expression ->
       power_expression {% id %}
       | multiplicative_expression _ "*"  _ power_expression {% (d) => d[0] * d[4] %}
       | multiplicative_expression _ "/"  _ power_expression {% (d) => d[0] / d[4] %}
       | multiplicative_expression _ "MOD"  _ power_expression {% (d) => d[0] % d[4] %}

   power_expression ->
       function_expression {% id %}
       | power_expression _ "**"  _ function_expression {% (d) => Math.pow(d[0], d[4]) %}

   function_expression ->
       number {% id %}
       | "ATAN" _ gcode_expression _ "/" _ gcode_expression {% (d) => Math.degrees(Math.atan(d[2], d[6])) %}
       | "ABS" _ gcode_expression {% (d) => Math.abs(d[2]) %}
       | "ACOS" _ gcode_expression {% (d) => Math.degrees(Math.acos(d[2])) %}
       | "ASIN" _ gcode_expression {% (d) => Math.degrees(Math.asin(d[2])) %}
       | "COS" _ gcode_expression {% (d) => Math.cos(Math.radians(d[2])) %}
       | "EXP" _ gcode_expression {% (d) => Math.exp(d[2]) %}
       | "FIX" _ gcode_expression {% (d) => Math.floor(d[2]) %}
       | "FUP" _ gcode_expression {% (d) => Math.ceil(d[2]) %}
       | "ROUND" _ gcode_expression {% (d) => Math.round(d[2]) %}
       | "LN" _ gcode_expression {% (d) => Math.log(d[2]) %}
       | "SIN" _ gcode_expression {% (d) => Math.sin(Math.radians(d[2])) %}
       | "SQRT" _ gcode_expression {% (d) => Math.sqrt(d[2]) %}
       | "TAN" _ gcode_expression {% (d) => Math.tan(d[2]) %}
       | "EXISTS" _ gcode_expression {% (d) => Math.cos(d[2]) %}

   number ->
       primary {% id %}
       | _ "-" number {% (d) => d[2] * -1 %}
       | _ "+" number {% (d) => d[2] * 1 %}

   primary ->
       int_or_float {% id %}
       | gcode_expression {% id %}
       | parameter_expression {% id %}

   parameter_expression ->
       parameter_start parameter_index {% getparam %}

   parameter_index ->
       int {% id %}
       | gcode_expression {% id %}
       | parameter_expression {% id %}

   int ->
       %int {% (d) => parseInt(d[0]) %}

   int_or_float ->
       int {% id %}
       | %float {% (d) => parseFloat(d[0]) %}

   EOL ->
       %EOL {% empty %}

When I run nearley-test to test my compiled parser I get the following results:


printf "(Commentwithoutspaces)X[2**[2+5]]\n" | nearley-test gcode.js -q


processLine [ null,
  [ { command: 'COMMENT', value: '(Commentwithoutspaces)' },
    { command: 'X', value: 128 } ],
  null ]

So far so good, next test:

printf "(Comment with spaces)X[2**[2+5]]\n" | nearley-test gcode.js -q


processLine [ null, null, null, null, { command: 'X', value: 128 }, null ]
processLine [ null, null, null, null, { command: 'X', value: 128 }, null ]
processLine [ null,
  [ { command: 'COMMENT', value: '(Comment with spaces)' },
    { command: 'X', value: 128 } ],
  null ]

It looks like it recognizes the X command twice without the comment, and then once with the comment. This only happens when there are spaces inside the comment, which puzzles me...

Now if i test it with a comment that contains spaces at the end of the line, I get:

printf "X[2**[2+5]](Comment with spaces)\n" | nearley-test gcode.js -q


processLine [ null,
  [ { command: 'X', value: 128 },
    { command: 'COMMENT', value: '(Comment with spaces)' } ],
  null ]

So it seems that the error only happens when I start the line with a comment that contains spaces, which is strange...

Does anyone know what I can do to get a more consistent behaviour? I mean what can I do to make the parser recognize the command and the comment once for each occurence regardless of spaces inside the comment and regardless of the comment is before or after other items on the line?

larsjueljensen commented 6 years ago

Is anyone reading this?

larsjueljensen commented 6 years ago

Added a 100 rep bounty on stackoverflow. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50204380

tjvr commented 6 years ago

Hey, have you tried minimizing the grammar to isolate the error?

Unfortunately, grammars can be quite hard to debug, in general!