kachayev / fn.py

Functional programming in Python: implementation of missing features to enjoy FP
3.35k stars 203 forks source link

Active Fork? #77

Open jacobbridges opened 9 years ago

jacobbridges commented 9 years ago

Has anyone considered starting an active fork of this repo? I see it has been forked a number of times, but no forks are being actively maintained.

I don't feel qualified to maintain a project like this, but it is such a great library I don't want it to die! If no one else steps up within a month I'll create a fork and pledge to provide active updates. The fork will have to be deployed on PyPi as well.

edschofield commented 9 years ago

How about merging fn.py with the toolz project?!

microamp commented 9 years ago

Have you talked to @kachayev about this? The repo hasn't been active lately, but that doesn't necessarily mean he isn't interested in maintaining the project. That said, I can see two ways to keep this project going forward;

  1. someone forks it and maintains it (like what you suggested),
  2. create a new group, say fn.py (so the repo becomes fn.py/fn.py), form a group of people maintaining the project together.
jacobbridges commented 9 years ago

@edschofield That's the first time I have seen the toolz project, thank you for mentioning it. I personally use the pydash library for my extra "iterables", and I think fn.py solves a different issue but should be made to easily integrate into either of these libraries.

@microamp I haven't spoke with @kachayev, but I will send him an email tonight asking if he plans to maintain this project soon. But if there is no active maintenance within a month I'd still like to create an active fork--at least until he comes back on the scene.

I think in an ideal world creating a group of maintainers would be the best situation. The problem with this is finding people who are devoted to the project, and keeping an open line of communication between maintainers. There could be power plays or drama--I don't really know as I have never been part of a Github group without first knowing the others face to face.

One user forking the repository and accepting PR's would definitely be the easiest solution, but if that user were to go idle then we will be in the same situation. Hmm..what are your thoughts @microamp?

datnamer commented 9 years ago

+1 on merging with toolz!

jacobbridges commented 9 years ago

@edschofield, @datnamer How do you envision this tool being merged with the Pytoolz project?

sfermigier commented 9 years ago

How about starting a "FP-SIG" (https://www.python.org/community/sigs/) under the PSF to coordinate the efforts of the various fp-related projects (fb.py, toolz, funcy, pyrsistence, funktown...) and maybe open discussion with some of the core Python developers ?

cdadia commented 9 years ago

+1 for FP-SIG

jacobbridges commented 8 years ago

@sfermigier, @cdadia if starting an FP-SIG is comfortable for you or you have experience in that realm, then please take action. On the other hand I do not feel qualified for something on this level, therefore I still plan to have an active fork in a month if no other action is taken.

Thank you for you recommendations! That also goes for everyone else watching this issue--if you feel qualified or comfortable starting an "FP-SIG", then please do!

mrocklin commented 8 years ago

Merging projects is very hard.

The Underscore -> Lodash approach seemed to work well.

EntilZha commented 8 years ago

@jacobbridges I (actively) maintain another library for functional programming (https://github.com/EntilZha/ScalaFunctional), and like fn.py. I might be interested in helping out, but I would need to learn the code base better. I have been meaning to at least learn how _ works so I can use that in my library without requiring another dependency (also curious to learn how it works for curiosity's sake).

I think that it would be great to hear back from @kachayev before doing anything or if you create a fork to make it easy to merge back into fn.py.

I haven't heard of FP-SIG before, but I would be willing to put some effort (although no expertise) in looking into it.

cdadia commented 8 years ago

@jacobbridges @entilzha @kachayev i don't have any experience with FG-SIG but I am happy to contribute and help maintain a fork. I have been using functional concepts with scala and would love to bring those concepts to Python.

Digenis commented 8 years ago

@EntilZha, also see https://github.com/Suor/whatever

sivabudh commented 8 years ago

This is a great initiative. I'm excited to see how things will turn out!

anl-mcampos commented 8 years ago

@jacobbridges were you able to get in touch with @kachayev ?

jacobbridges commented 8 years ago

@anl-mcampos I've sent him two emails, still no response. Does anyone know another method of contacting him?

jhedev commented 8 years ago

Maybe via twitter: https://twitter.com/kachayev

anl-mcampos commented 8 years ago

He was active as late as November 23rd. Have you tried contacting him over his LinkedIn profile or his Twitter account?

jacobbridges commented 8 years ago

I noticed he was active, but no response to my emails. I can try via Twitter.

carlthome commented 8 years ago

Good initiative. I wish fn was part of the standard libraries.

jacobbridges commented 8 years ago

@datnamer, @edschofield, @microamp, @sfermigier, @cdadia, @mrocklin, @EntilZha, @Digenis, @sivabudh, @anl-mcampos, @jhedev, @carlthome

I've tried contacting @kachayev for several months now with no response. My original timeline was to wait one month then start a fork, it has been 6 months. Far too long for such a great project to go without an update.

This project is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license which states that any fork must use the same license, must refer to original copyright owner, and must keep a log of all file modifications and authors.

I have started the organization "fnpy" (because organization names cannot have a dot) and have sent invitations to everyone in this thread who has expressed interest in maintaining. Later today and this weekend I will work on fleshing out a wiki and some milestones--and there will be issues for "open discussion" regarding milestones because this repo will be for the community.

Thank you all for your comments and considerations. After the existing known bugs are remedied with the project, there could be a discussion with the authors over at pytoolz..

Digenis commented 8 years ago

@jacobbridges, regarding the pytoolz part, do you mean some initiative to merge them? I don't think it can lead anywhere. The only connection between the projects is the popularity among a same group of people. Or do you suggest that the fork can be hosted in the pytoolz organizations?

anl-mcampos commented 8 years ago

@jacobbridges Can you send the invite to my personal account, @mario-campos?

Digenis commented 8 years ago

@jacobbridges, also interested.

carlthome commented 8 years ago

@jacobbridges, as am I.

cad106uk commented 8 years ago

I'm interested in being part of this

jacobbridges commented 8 years ago

@Digenis, with reference to pytoolz I think certain features of fn.py would be an awesome utility to toolz. Integrating the underscore style lambdas into toolz would be awesome.

But at this point, all ideas are simply ideas. I would need time to plan, sketch, and communicate with more of the community to feel out how a merge would be beneficial.

flying-sheep commented 8 years ago

so next step? annex the pypi package?

also links are cool: https://github.com/fnpy/fn.py

Netherdrake commented 7 years ago

Does anyone know what happend to @kachayev?

sfermigier commented 7 years ago

He's still working at Attendify, according to their support ppl:


Daenyth commented 7 years ago

I tried emailing, asking if he'd be willing to hand over the repo, but haven't gotten a response. Seems like he's lost interest in maintaining this

sivabudh commented 7 years ago

Time to take over, mwahahaha!

Aryavui commented 6 years ago

I will take over this project, extract its essence, concentrate it, and optimize the code to improve the running speed.

Netherdrake commented 6 years ago

@Thunsir please, let us know when the first release is out.

carlthome commented 6 years ago

@Thunsir and @Netherdrake, preferably concentrate your efforts on improving the existing fork: https://github.com/fnpy/fn.py

jacobbridges commented 6 years ago

@Thunsir @Netherdrake, hey guys! I originally started the "active fork" effort to ensure fn.py didn't die. Any pull requests you submit to fnpy/fn.py will be reviewed by me and the community before being merged into the main project. Hope to see you there!

Aryavui commented 6 years ago

I take the essence and discard the dross of it and furthermore extract and concentrate the essence.At present, two main features are inherited: function composition and the anonymous function(the underscore function expression).As for the underscore function expression, kachayev's simplicity is at the expense of efficiency. I have to remold it, or I'll never use it. See more here: https://github.com/Thunsir/TFP. If you find any mistake, please specify where the mistake is and leave your amendment opinions.

denizdogan commented 5 years ago

In case anyone is reading this in 2019, the short answer is: no, there is no active fork.

jacobbridges commented 5 years ago

If anyone is interested in being a maintainer for the https://github.com/fnpy/fn.py fork, let me know. I can add you to the fn.py team which will give you maintainer access.

0atman commented 4 years ago

@jacobbridges still want maintainers?