Open divico opened 4 years ago
@divico This is a great feedback! We are creating an Open Source C2IS ODIN too and try to address some of your points - although our project is in a very early stage. All data used by ODIN is stored as GeoJSON and copy/paste operations are possible. If you are interested you are very welcome to take a look.
At least as far as MSS is concerned, the MilX Import/Export should allow exchanging layers between any application supporting these.
A counterpart for Redlining/Pins/Symbols is currently indeed missing.
In both kadas 1 and 2 redlining layers can't be exported or copied from one kadas instance to another.
This is a critical limitation that makes kadas impossible to use in a battalion staff (or above).
As the staff goes through the military decision making process, several layers will be developed (typically redlining and MSS layers).
The point is that these layers will all be created by different persons (typically 5-10 persons in a battalion staff). Once created, all the layers must be merged into one project which is apparently not possible in kadas 1 and 2. The easiest from a user perspective would be to be able to copy/paste redlining and MSS layers across multiple kadas instance. One kadas instance would store the base map and one could copy/paste layers developed by other persons from another kadas instance. This is already how many issue of orders at battalion level and above are organized with PowerPoint, many PPT from multiple persons are merged into a final PPT, where single or group of slides can just be copy/paste around. Very simple, fast and effective. Having such a feature in kadas would make it usable in a batllion staff or above.
At least having an export function for redilining layers is needed. KML is not an option as many attributes are not preserved (eg color, fonts, etc).