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Polygon geometry in "annotatielijn" type of Annotatie #74

Open szmucha opened 4 years ago

szmucha commented 4 years ago

In few real klics the Annotatie object contains "Polygon" geometry (for the annotatielijn type). Based on "IMKL2015_Objectcatalogus_1.2.1.pdf" (Page 9) the Constraint: GeometrieLijnOfPunt defines that for this particular type we should have GM_Curve and for the Annotatie object possible geometries are: GM_Point and GM_Curve and based on: https://inspire-regadmin.jrc.ec.europa.eu/dataspecification/ScopeObjectDetail.action?objectDetailId=11394 in my opinion this should be: Point and LineString in the GML notation.

Example klicNumber: 19G473111 Example of such object (gmlId): nl.imkl-KL1620.Annotatie-1207

herman-vandenberg commented 4 years ago

We have analyzed the network information supplied by this network operator (KL1620). It appears that this network operator indeed frequently supplies Annotatie-objects with a polygon as geometry. This is not in accordance with the rules established for this by IMKL. As you have established, KLIC does not currently validating this. Our KLIC-helpdesk will contact them as soon as possible. But, until this network operator has supplied a new data set, this omission will still be present during KLIC-deliveries.

herman-vandenberg commented 4 years ago

After we have informed the network operator about this omission, today (11-12-2019) he has supplied adjusted network information. In this network information we have NOT found any Annotatie-objects with geometry of the type 'Polygon'.

szmucha commented 4 years ago

@herman-vandenberg thanks for information but I have one more very similar find. Object "Maatvoering" - exactly the same situation - Polygon where the Multiline should be provided.

Exemple klicNumber: 19G468490 Example of such object (gmlId): nl.imkl-GM0193.Maatvoering-908

herman-vandenberg commented 4 years ago

We tried to analyze the relevant KLIC request, but it was requested much longer than 20 working days ago. Deliveries older than 20 working days are cleaned up and therefore we no longer have access to the relevant requested network information. Because the relevant network operator is making use of the services of our central facility, we have analyzed the most recent supplied network information (6 dec 2019). We detected that the are now not delivering any Maatvoering-objects at all.

herman-vandenberg commented 4 years ago

Optie: valideren of de juiste geometrie wordt gebruikt bij aanvering van netinformatie (centraal) of beheerdersinformatie (decentraal).

kad-scholm commented 1 year ago

Uit analyse in de centrale voorziening komen de volgende ongeldige geometrieen: type | geometrietype | aantal Annotatie | ST_MultiLineString | 3304 Annotatie | ST_Polygon | 3304 Maatvoering | ST_Polygon | 1839 EigenTopografie | ST_MultiLineString | 11 EigenTopografie | ST_MultiPolygon | 7

Van decentrale netbeheerders is dit onbekend.

Inschatting van kadaster is dat het qua performance haalbaar is om bij uploaden van centrale of decentrale netinformatie te valideren op geometrie type.

FuatAkdeniz commented 1 year ago

TCS KLIC 16 juni 2023 Kan een volgende versie van de upgrade opgenomen worden.