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Violation of Constraint: ContactNaamTelEmail #77

Open adam-ludera-intive opened 4 years ago

adam-ludera-intive commented 4 years ago

In many KLIC, the constraint on contactVoorzorgsmaatregel of AanduidingEisVoorzorgsmaatregel (ContactNaamTelEmail) is violated by providing empty Contact (the constraint implies that all three Contact fields must be not empty: naam, telefoon, email).

Example: KLIC 19G651470, AanduidingEisVoorzorgsmaatregel: nl.imkl-KL1101.AEVM_WMD_W_Leiding_32261_6632

herman-vandenberg commented 4 years ago

You are right, according to the IMKL Object-catalog, both name, telephone, and email must be filled ("notEmpty"). image Apparently this is not currently being validated. This will be a point of attention for the sector consultation (KGO).

Marijnbiekart commented 4 years ago

Speaking as a service provider: many operators explicitly do not want thier EV to be handled by email so in most cases the empty contact is intentional. Other placeholders like "aub bellen" are common too.

herman-vandenberg commented 4 years ago

@Marijnbiekart Thank you for the addition. The sector (KGO/TCS) should give a definitive answer about this.

FuatAkdeniz commented 1 year ago

De TCS KLIC geeft aan dat dit relevante velden/waarden zijn voor het EV proces. We gaan ervan uit dat de velden nu al kwalitatief gevuld worden. Als TCS KLIC willen we dat hierop gevalideerd wordt: Of het gevuld is.