kadirahq / fast-render

Render you app even before the DDP connection is live. - magic?
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Suggestion in sending back html5 geolocation #116

Closed andrewvmail closed 5 years ago

andrewvmail commented 9 years ago

Having a hard time to sending back GeoLocation data in the initial query. Whats happening is this.loc is i see this.loc being null on the server side and a few ms later the query runs again with loc sent down the wire. I

subscriptions: function () { if(Meteor.isClient) { this.loc = Geolocation.latLng(); } this._terms = { view: this.view, limit: this.params.limit || getSetting('postsPerPage', 10), loc: this.loc }; this.postsListSub = coreSubscriptions.subscribe('postsList', this._terms); },