kadirahq / mantra

Mantra - An Application Architecture for Meteor
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Library is not npm node neither atmosphere meteor #116

Open johngonzalez opened 8 years ago

johngonzalez commented 8 years ago

Hi. I want to use Mantra architecture in my project. I have the next question: If I have a library that is not in npm and neither meteor atmosphere. I have two options to select the library: 1) Only a bundle Webpack javascript file, or 2) All structure of React files, css, javascript, jquery plugins, others third-party plugins and a large etc. So my questions are: 1) What option should I select? 2) So, What directory in Mantra should be the library? 3) Is possible that exists issues for incompatibility between packages of the library with npm-modules and atmosphere-modules used by Meteor-Mantra?

Thanks for you fantastic work.

arunoda commented 8 years ago

It should be in a directory called libs. See: https://kadirahq.github.io/mantra/#sec-modules