kadirahq / subs-manager

Subscriptions Manager for Meteor
MIT License
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Subscription manager breaks the usage of iron router hooks. #32

Open tomitrescak opened 9 years ago

tomitrescak commented 9 years ago

Please see following routes and comments.

var subscriptions = new SubsManager();

Router.route('/user/home', {
  name: 'restrictedHome',
  template: 'restrictedHome',
  onBeforeAction: function (pause) {
    console.log('YES!!!'); // successfully executed
  waitOn: function () {
    return [

Router.route('/user/home1', {
  name: 'restrictedHome1',
  template: 'restrictedHome1',
  onBeforeAction: function (pause) {
    console.log('NO :((('); // never executed
  waitOn: function () {
    return [

subscription manager also break the global Router.onBeforeAction execution.

arunoda commented 9 years ago

Not sure, how IR works with waitOn. (I didn't look for their code recently)

In the second route, there is no waitOn. subscriptions.subscribe('adminPracticals').ready() is true. Then, IR don't need to waitOn.

So, technically it should not affect IR in anyway. May be IR handles onBeforeAction differently that you or me expect.

Try to post it there too and ask some suggestions from IR. May be, this is a bug IR or may be a way how it is.

tomitrescak commented 9 years ago

@arunoda, I'm not following :/ so it is a problem of Iron Router? I need to prohibit some routes for specific roles and without onBeforeAction I'm doomed ;/

arunoda commented 9 years ago

Seems like this is a bug in IR.

tomitrescak commented 9 years ago

I don't want to be mean and I hope you'll understand :/ but it's subscription manager that breaks IR behaviour. With Meteor.subscribe all works fine.

arunoda commented 9 years ago

I'm sorry. I can't do anything for that. SubsManager built for specific use case and it's has no direct relationship with IR.

You need to use this.next() with IR. See: It works now.

var subscriptions = new SubsManager();

  Router.route('/user/home', {
    name: 'restrictedHome',
    template: 'restrictedHome',
    onBeforeAction: function (pause) {
      console.log('YES!!!'); // successfully executed
    waitOn: function () {
      return [

  Router.route('/user/home1', {
    name: 'restrictedHome1',
    template: 'restrictedHome1',
    onBeforeAction: function (pause) {
      console.log('NO :((('); // never executed
    waitOn: function () {
      return [

If this doesn't work, may be it's something with your app. May be you need to read the IR manual a bit too.

rogchap commented 9 years ago

I'm having the same issue of the global onBeforeAction not being called if there is a waitOn subscription from Subs Manager. e.g.

var subs = new SubsManager();


  if (!Meteor.userId()) {
    return this.redirect('/');
  } else {

}, { except: ['signIn'] });

// This route calls the above onBeforeAction
Router.route('/dashboard', {
  name: 'dashboard'

// This route does NOT call the onBeforeAction
Router.route('/products', {
  name: 'products',
  waitOn: function() {
    return subs.subscribe('productsList');

// This route calls the above onBeforeAction
Router.route('/products-meteor', {
  name: 'productsMeteor',
  waitOn: function() {
    return Meteor.subscribe('productsList');

Want to change to FlowRouter (especially with v2, just around the corner), but this will be a big refactor.