kadoshms / react-jvectormap

A react wrapper for jvectormap maps
MIT License
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Self is not defined #142

Open charbel911 opened 6 months ago

charbel911 commented 6 months ago

i have a next js project when i download it it gives me Self is not defined any solution???

averaw commented 4 months ago


add any style to the map

"use client" import React from "react" import { worldMill } from "@react-jvectormap/world" import dynamic from "next/dynamic"

import style from "./Maps.module.scss"

const VectorMap = dynamic( () => import("@react-jvectormap/core").then((m) => m.VectorMap), { ssr: false } )

export const Jmap = ({ series }: any) => { return (

<div className={style.containerMap}>         wrap the map in style
  <VectorMap map={worldMill} series={series} />

) }

berk9595 commented 3 weeks ago

Working Answer:

  1. step => install libraries '@react-jvectormap/world' and '@react-jvectormap/core'

  2. step create component DONT FORGET import worldMill like this import worldMill from '@react-jvectormap/world/worldMill.json';

import worldMill from '@react-jvectormap/world/worldMill.json';
import { Container, Grid } from '@mui/material'; 
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
const VectorMap = dynamic(
    () => import("@react-jvectormap/core").then((m) => m.VectorMap),
    { ssr: false }
// Define the type for the onRegionTipShow function
type OnRegionTipShow = (
    e: Event,
    el: any,
    code: string
) => void;
type OnRegionClick = (
    e: Event,
    code: string
) => void;
interface WorldMapProps { }

const WorldMap: React.FC<WorldMapProps> = () => {

    const mapData: { [key: string]: number } = {
       TR: 1000,
       GL: 500,

    const handleRegionTipShow: OnRegionTipShow = (e, el, code) => {
        console.log('code', code)
        if (mapData[code]) {
            el.html(`${el.html()}: ${mapData[code]}`);
    const handleRegionClick: OnRegionClick = (e, code) => {
        alert(`Clicked region: ${code}`);
        // You can add additional logic here, such as navigating to a detailed view

    return (
        <Grid container>
            <Container sx={{ py: { sm: 8, xs: 4 } }}>
                <div style={{ width: '100%', height: '500px' }}>
                            regions: [
                                    attribute: 'fill', 
                                    values: mapData,
                                    scale: ["#FF0000", "#0000FF"],
                                    normalizeFunction: 'polynomial',

export default WorldMap;
  1. step Thats it!