kaegi / MorphMan

Anki plugin that reorders language cards based on the words you know
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Feature Idea - mm_relatedmorphs Field #134

Open EliCodesForFun opened 4 years ago

EliCodesForFun commented 4 years ago

I had a cool idea for Morphman that I think would be easy to implement. I think one of the best things with learning with Morphman is that it utilizes the words you know to show words it thinks are "easier" because they have related kanji to words you've already seen. I think it would be cool if Morphman could show you some of these related words, maybe 2 or 3 (or a configurable value).

You could then put it on the back of your card template to show, along with the focus morph. Example - learning 先日 (meaning recently, within the past few days) and assume we know 先、今日、and 先週 already.

Current card template (shows new Morph on the back): xDjDMNb

We can have it display MMRelated like so for the card, with the related morphs:


I didn't see an email for kaegi, so I thought of putting it here, and maybe it could get some feedback. I think this feature makes a lot of sense to exist, and to help reinforce the connections across words. It'd be similarly beneficial to how using a Japanese to Japanese dictionary is (also seen in pic)

EliCodesForFun commented 4 years ago

You can upload pictures directly into the comment; see the "Attach files by dragging …" text under the edit field.

Very cool, updated my post.