kaegi / MorphMan

Anki plugin that reorders language cards based on the words you know
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Some issues with Qt 6 Alpha 1 pre-release #290

Open MichaelPetre opened 1 year ago

MichaelPetre commented 1 year ago


I've been running this setup for a few weeks now: -Windows 10 -Anki 2.1.58 qt6 -V3 Scheduler + FSRS -Migaku Anki 0.2.5 -MorphMan Qt 6 Alpha 1 -MeCab UniDic

It's working decently except for a couple of sticking points:

The "skip card if focus morph was already seen today" is only partially working. I sometimes see the message "xx duplicates skipped" (or something to that effect) but I still get multiple versions of a focus_morph in the same study session. In the last few days, I studied 20 new cards per day for only 4 to 7 new morphs each day.

Pressing "K" on a morph doesn't do much. If there are other focus morphs available, it will bring them in front of the card you tried flagging as known. However, that card will reappear after scoring those other cards. Once there are no other focus morphs, pressing "K" will only get the card to restart the audio.

FilinMX commented 1 year ago

I encountered the same issue with "skip card if focus morph was already seen today" using the latest version of anki and the latest publuc release of the Morphman. I hope the plugin will be updated soon. I have other plugins that are no longer compatable with older version of anki so I can't just go back easilly.

DavidBonelo commented 11 months ago

Same problem for me, I made a sentence bank of 50000 and it shows me the same word 30 times in a row even if I review it or tag it as known. Recalculating the database after every word works, but it takes too long.

Version ⁨2.1.65 (aa9a734f)⁩ Python 3.9.15 Qt 6.5.0 PyQt 6.5.0 Morphman Release 5.0-alpha1 (2023-1-10) MecabUnidic3.1.0 (Jan 27, 2022)

mortii commented 11 months ago

Do you guys still experience these problems on the latest version of morphman and with V3 scheduler enabled?

FilinMX commented 11 months ago

Just tried it now with Morphman Qt 6 Alpha 4 and Anki 2.1.66 with V3 scheduler enabled. Now after pressing the K it shows me the same card again and nothing happens. Seems like doing recalc is also not helping with this issue anymore.

mortii commented 11 months ago

Just tried it now with Morphman Qt 6 Alpha 4 and Anki 2.1.66 with V3 scheduler enabled. Now after pressing the K it shows me the same card again and nothing happens. Seems like doing recalc is also not helping with this issue anymore.

I can't reproduce the problem with my setup.

Could you export your deck (include scheduling information), take pictures of your morphman preferences, and uploaded it somewhere for me to download?

DavidBonelo commented 11 months ago

It's seems to be fixed for me, thank you ❤️ (pressing k skips the next cards with the same key)

Anki Version ⁨2.1.65 (aa9a734f)⁩ Python 3.9.15 Qt 6.5.0 PyQt 6.5.0 MorphMan Release 5.0-alpha4 (2023-8-17) MecabUnidic3.1.0 (Jan 27, 2022)

FilinMX commented 11 months ago

I tried to fix it myself.

I deleted Morphman tags on all cards (not sure if it was necessary) and I deleted all morphman databases and settings files from Anki folder. I also "forgot" all cards so there is no scheduling applied. Then I reinstalled Morphman and created a new study plan with Readability Analyzer. I havent changed any settings in the morphman itself (I didt't know how to reset them to default)

And looks like the issue is fixed now! I havent encountered any repeating morphs and pressing the "K" also seems to work. I don't know what fixed this issue with recent changes but thank you anyway! I guess I was doing something wrong or somehow managed to mess up the database when trying a new version of morphman. But now I can actually use this addon for studying, yay!

Again, big thanks for contriburing! It was actually sad to see that Morphman was abandoned for so long and I'm glad it's alive again. Looking forward for the new public release!

mortii commented 11 months ago

Glad to hear it works! I'm happy to contribute :)