kaegi / MorphMan

Anki plugin that reorders language cards based on the words you know
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Support AJT Japanese #295

Open homocomputeris opened 1 year ago

homocomputeris commented 1 year ago

Support https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1344485230 for Japanese

rameauv commented 11 months ago

What to you mean exactly?

homocomputeris commented 11 months ago

Japanese: You must additionally install the Japanese Support Anki addon

I mean adding support for https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1344485230 as alternative to Japanese Support.

landonepps commented 11 months ago

If you don't want to use Japanese Support, that's actually fine. It's only used for mecab. Many people use this addon for mecab instead, which includes a better dictionary https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/13462835

landonepps commented 11 months ago

I uploaded an updated version of the MecabUnidic addon to GitHub. It's too big for AnkiWeb so you'll have to extract it to your Anki addons directory manually. https://github.com/kaegi/MorphMan/releases/download/v5.0-qt6-alpha.4/MecabUnidic.zip