kaegi / alass

"Automatic Language-Agnostic Subtitle Synchronization"
GNU General Public License v3.0
994 stars 52 forks source link

Properly synced sub is "de-synced" - win #9

Closed sharinganthief closed 4 years ago

sharinganthief commented 4 years ago

Windows user, love the concept, already had some success, but i am writing a library "minifier" to convert all my files to mkv, srt to ass - with some netflix style formatting - and embed so you have one file per video entity.

I had what i thought was just a "too rough to be fixed" sub and downloaded a fresh set which matches the file perfectly. The idea would be since it was already correct, running it though the synchronizer would not be an issue, i would effectively just get the same sub back out.

The resultant subtitle is wildly out of sync.

in testing i have received two very similar messages regarding negative timing

warn: negative subtitles will therefore moved to the start of the subtitle file by default; pass '-n' or '--allow-negative-timestamps' to disable this behavior

warn: negative timestamps will be written to file, because you passed '-n' or '--allow-negative-timestamps'

So my second question i guess is, is there a way to not have the subtitles written with 0 or negative values, simply not modified?

kaegi commented 4 years ago

The warning about negative timestamps is from the "output stage" of alass since most subtitle formats do not specify how to encode negative timestamps.

This means the algorithm thinks that the subtitle gets somehow more optimal by de-syncing it in a specific way. I have already explained the tips to find more optimal alignment settings here:

Please tell me whether that solved the problem.

sharinganthief commented 4 years ago

the --disable-fps-guessing did solve my issue for that file, thanks