v3.5.17: works fine
v4.0.2: vendor frame cannot be paged when a profession window is open
v4.1.0: addon won't load, throws the following LUA errors on login/reload:
2x BuyEmAll/localisation/enUS.lua:15: attempt to index global 'BuyEmAll' (a nil value)
[string "@BuyEmAll/localisation/enUS.lua"]:15: in main chunk
(temporary) = nil
(temporary) =
STACK = "Stack"
STACK_SIZE = "Stack size"
CONFIRM = "Are you sure you want to buy
%d × %s?"
STACK_PURCH = "Stack purchase"
AFFORD = "You can afford"
PARTIAL = "Partial stack"
MAX_PURCH = "Maximum purchase"
AVAILABLE = "Vendor has"
MAX = "Max"
FIT = "You can fit"
(*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'BuyEmAll' (a nil value)"
2x BuyEmAll/BuyEmAll.lua:9: attempt to index local 'L' (a nil value)
[string "@BuyEmAll/BuyEmAll.lua"]:9: in main chunk
v3.5.17: works fine v4.0.2: vendor frame cannot be paged when a profession window is open v4.1.0: addon won't load, throws the following LUA errors on login/reload:
2x BuyEmAll/localisation/enUS.lua:15: attempt to index global 'BuyEmAll' (a nil value) [string "@BuyEmAll/localisation/enUS.lua"]:15: in main chunk
Locals: (temporary) = nil (temporary) =
2x BuyEmAll/BuyEmAll.lua:9: attempt to index local 'L' (a nil value) [string "@BuyEmAll/BuyEmAll.lua"]:9: in main chunk
Locals: L = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'L' (a nil value)"
2x [string "*BuyEmAll.xml:256_OnLoad"]:1: attempt to call method 'OnLoad' (a nil value)
Locals: self = BuyEmAllFrame { } (temporary) = nil (temporary) =
4.1.1 should work now.
Looks fine now, thank you!