Closed Jaabi closed 6 years ago
I have some code that fixes it, but I do not know if I have the permission to push it as I am new to collaborating on non-academic GitHub projects. I made all changes in the Reader/Measures/Reader.lua file, and the changes took no more than 30 minutes (because this is the first time I ever programmed with Lua).
I also wrote some code to add the apostrophe back in instead of the '
HTML equivalent, as can be seen in the image in the third-to-last title and the second-to-last title.
Anyway, here are the code snippets if y'all want them.
. . .
Item.Unread = 1
Item.Title = RawItem:match('<title.->(.-)</title>') or nil
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- My contribution since having <b>...</b> in the title is annoying
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Item.Title = RemoveStyleTags(Item.Title) or nil
Item.Title = AddApostrophe(Item.Title) or nil
Item.Link = RawItem:match(Type.MatchItemLink) or nil
Item.Desc = RawItem:match(Type.MatchItemDesc) or nil
. . .
The following snippet I put directly after the Input function, if that matters.
. . .
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- My contribution since having <b>...</b> in the feed is annoying
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- INPUT Helper Functions
function RemoveStyleTags(a)
assert(type(a) == "string" or type(a) == "nil", "RemoveStyleTags(a) expects 'a' to be a string or nil")
-- If we have a nil, return it
if a == nil then
return nil
-- Else, we have a string, so remove all style tags
local StyleTags = {"i", "b"} -- Update as you see more style tags
for i, s in ipairs(StyleTags) do
local OpenTag = "<" .. s .. ">"
local CloseTag = "</" .. s .. ">"
-- Remove all of this one tag
a = string.gsub(a, OpenTag, "")
a = string.gsub(a, CloseTag, "")
return a
function AddApostrophe(a)
assert(type(a) == "string" or type(a) == "nil", "RemoveStyleTags(a) expects 'a' to be a string or nil")
-- If we have a nil, return it
if a == nil then
return nil
a = string.gsub(a, "'", "'")
return a
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- End of my contribution. Have a good one!
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
. . .
And here's the end result.
Please ignore this issue. I just noticed I do not have the latest version of the skin, and I am thoroughly embarrassed.
I apologize for any time wasted.