kaermorchen / twig-language-server

Language server for Twig templates.
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Maintain html syntax highlighting in twig #18

Closed IHIutch closed 1 year ago

IHIutch commented 1 year ago

So I adapted the Handlebars tmLanguage.json and some of the PHP tmLanguage.json so that HTML would still be syntax highlighted. Honestly, I understand very little of how language extensions for VSCode work, so I'm not 100% sure what is and isn't needed, but it does seem to work well.

Let me know what you think!

IHIutch commented 1 year ago

I was also trying to figure out how to get brackets pairs to automatically color themselves, but couldn't. Same for highlighting single and double quote marks. Happy to open an issue if that's beneficial.

kaermorchen commented 1 year ago

I think your PR is amazing! Now html code looks really better. Thank you!

IHIutch commented 1 year ago

Thank you!