kaeverens / kvwebme

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new image transition features #5

Open kaeverens opened 11 years ago

kaeverens commented 11 years ago

add captions. not just single lines, but full-on html-based captions, so images can have links, etc.

also, add navigation and templates.

at the moment, image transitions are very simple - images swap periodically with each other, with no frills.

it would be great to have it work similar to a slide-show, where there is an optional nav so the reader can go forward/back.

also, we need templates, so the image transitions can be formatted. default template being just the images, transitioning into each other. then another template with single-line captions along bottom, nav as clickable squares along top right. then another template with full-on captions as a block on the right, and next/prev buttons

kaeverens commented 11 years ago


Project Member Reported by superstoffer, Oct 15, 2011 When creating an Image Transition, it should be possible to link the individual images to either Pages, Products, Categories, or External URLs.


Pic 1 - link to Page A - "About us" Pic 2 - link to Page B - "Gallery" Pic 3 - link to Product A - "Black shoe" Pic 4 - link to Category A - "Women Shoes" Pic 5 - link to External URL A "www.foo.bar"


Then you can use as promotion