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Too many empty lines in log output #510

Closed tolikkk closed 2 years ago

tolikkk commented 2 years ago


Having problem with log output format in julie-ops-cli. I have topology with ~170 topics. When I add new topics, I get a huge number of blank lines in the julie work log. It seems, than amount of empty lines corresponds to the total number of my topics. I use docker, image version kafka-topology-builder:4.2.

Configs example:

1) config.properties:


2) topology.yml (add demo-5 topic)

context: "example"
  - name: "kafka"
      [150+ topics described]
      - name: "demo-5"
          retention.ms: "604800000"
          num.partitions: "2"

3) execution and log output

julie-ops-cli.sh --topology topology.yml --brokers broker.example.com:9093 --clientConfig config.properties
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.AdminClientConfig).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info.
[WARN ] 2022-06-30 13:23:25.153 [main] TopicManager - Remote state verification disabled, this is not a good practice, be awarein future versions, this check is going to become mandatory.
[WARN ] 2022-06-30 13:23:25.153 [main] TopicManager - Remote state verification disabled, this is not a good practice, be awarein future versions, this check is going to become mandatory.
[WARN ] 2022-06-30 13:23:25.242 [main] AccessControlManager - Remote state verification disabled, this is not a good practice, be awarein future versions, this check is going to become mandatory.
[WARN ] 2022-06-30 13:23:25.242 [main] AccessControlManager - Remote state verification disabled, this is not a good practice, be awarein future versions, this check is going to become mandatory.
[WARN ] 2022-06-30 13:23:25.244 [main] ArtefactManager - Remote state verification disabled, this is not a good practice, be awarein future versions, this check is going to become mandatory.
[WARN ] 2022-06-30 13:23:25.244 [main] ArtefactManager - Remote state verification disabled, this is not a good practice, be awarein future versions, this check is going to become mandatory.
[WARN ] 2022-06-30 13:23:25.245 [main] ArtefactManager - Remote state verification disabled, this is not a good practice, be awarein future versions, this check is going to become mandatory.
[WARN ] 2022-06-30 13:23:25.245 [main] ArtefactManager - Remote state verification disabled, this is not a good practice, be awarein future versions, this check is going to become mandatory.
  "Operation" : "com.purbon.kafka.topology.actions.topics.CreateTopicAction",
  "Topic" : "demo-5",
  "Action" : "create"

[150+ empty lines]

List of Topics:
purbon commented 2 years ago

fixed by #517

tolikkk commented 2 years ago

I tested fix on the latest docker image (digest db5d3ae731e3) - everything ok, blank lines disappeared. Thank you.