kagemomiji / airsonic-advanced

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UPNP/DLNA not working correctly #474

Closed KeenVox closed 4 weeks ago

KeenVox commented 1 month ago

Hi, I'm using airsonic in a local network, activated Upnp/DLNA. LAN adress is correct. I can see my folders and files from my UPNP devices but I can't play them.

In the logs there doesn't seem to be a problem. All I get is: 2024-05-20 21:54:43.522 INFO --- o.a.p.s.u.DispatchingContentDirectory : UPnP request - objectId: 36007, browseFlag: BrowseMetadata, filter: *, firstResult: 0, maxResults: 1

Anything I'm missing here?

I run airsonic on a raspberrypi with debia bullseye in standalon .war mode.

luxdi commented 1 month ago

I have exactly the same set up as you (RPi/Standalone war) and UPNP/DLNA works fine for me. On the settings page the example given is "". However mine is set like this "" - I changed it way back for some reason I can't recollect now, but try that.

KeenVox commented 1 month ago

Tried that but still doesn't work correct. Though I get a different error message now:

2024-05-23 19:47:34.625 ERROR --- o.a.p.s.LoggingExceptionResolver : An exception occurred while loading htt>

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.airsonic.player.domain.User.getUsername()" because "user" is null

DutchComputerKid commented 1 month ago

Bought a DLNA capable surround amp a week ago, and I'm seeing the exact same bug.

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.airsonic.player.domain.User.getUsername()" because "user" is null

kagemomiji commented 1 month ago

@KeenVox @DutchComputerKid I have created fixed war file. Could you try? war file in zip

KeenVox commented 4 weeks ago

@KeenVox @DutchComputerKid I have created fixed war file. Could you try? war file in zip

I tried an now it's working fine. :-)