kageurufu / preprocess_cancellation

Klipper Exclude Object Preprocessor for multiple slicers
GNU General Public License v3.0
148 stars 25 forks source link

macOS instructions #10

Open balthisar opened 1 year ago

balthisar commented 1 year ago

On macOS, you'll probably have to

chmod +x preprocess_cancellation

And (with SuperSlicer, anyway) specify a path to the file. If you put the command in same directory as SuperSlicer, then ./preprocess_cancellation; works fine.

And because the executable isn't notarized, you'll have to go into your Security & Privacy panel of System Preferences to allow it to "run anyway."

I recommend just running it from the command line initially until you're able to bypass all of the protective nonsense that macOS imposes.

(As a side note, how do I just run the .py from the shell? I'm not hip to the Python ecosystem, and just running the script fails.)

askpete commented 1 year ago

+1 to OSX instructions, it took me a minute to figure it out and I should really know what to do ;). Generic instruction could be as simple as

Download release to ~/Downloads

cp ~/Downloads/preprocess_cancellation-macos /Applications/SuperSlicer.app/Contents/MacOS/preprocess_cancellation
chmod +x /Applications/SuperSlicer.app/Contents/MacOS/preprocess_cancellation

FWIW, I didn't need to do the usual security theatre thing.

nkean commented 1 year ago

Here's a command line option to fetch the newest release and install in SuperSlicer for macOS. I've added it as a function in zsh so I can quickly reinstall after updating SuperSlicer. It's a bit ugly as a single line command, but it gets the job done never the less.

LOCATION=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/kageurufu/preprocess_cancellation/releases/latest | grep "tag_name" | awk '{print "https://github.com/kageurufu/preprocess_cancellation/releases/download/" substr($2, 2, length($2)-3) "/preprocess_cancellation-macos"}'); curl -Ls -o preprocess_cancellation --output-dir /Applications/SuperSlicer.app/Contents/MacOS/ $LOCATION && chmod +x /Applications/SuperSlicer.app/Contents/MacOS/preprocess_cancellation

nkean commented 1 year ago

I should also note that with newer releases of SuperSlicer I've had to amend the full path to the post processing command in "Print Settings > Output Options > Post-Processing Scripts"

i.e. /Applications/SuperSlicer.app/Contents/MacOS/preprocess_cancellation; instead of just preprocess_cancellation;

sammcj commented 1 year ago

Somewhat related there also needs to be an ARM build for modern Apple machines, I've done a local build for it and it processes gcodes a lot faster - see https://github.com/kageurufu/preprocess_cancellation/issues/19#issue-1660023409