kagisearch / smallweb

Kagi Small Web
MIT License
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Three proposed additions to the small web. #215

Closed drirmbda closed 6 months ago

drirmbda commented 6 months ago

Three proposed additions to the small web.

vprelovac commented 6 months ago

That is one?

drirmbda commented 6 months ago

Apologies for my mess, it's my first time editing directly on Github. Should be three now.

vprelovac commented 6 months ago

These is not the tpye of content we want to have in. Aim for personal blogs.

drirmbda commented 6 months ago

The blogs were personal, but I see, perhaps already too visible through regular search. You might want to add that as another criterion. In addition, after paging through kagi small web I wonder if this is ever going to start yielding sufficient quality to become worth the search in the first place. At this rate and with such a narrow definition of "small.")