kagof / intellij-pokemon-progress

A Pokémon themed progress bar for IntelliJ IDEA.
MIT License
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Maintenance tasks for compatibility with newer IDEA versions #89

Open kagof opened 6 months ago

kagof commented 6 months ago

It has been quite a while since I've updated this plugin, and there are various things that need to be cleaned up as a result.

"can't work on 2023.3.2 unless disable and re-enable" (from plugin reviews)

I've found on Windows with version 2023.3.3 that I have to do something similar. Haven't noticed it on Mac but may be mistaken. Likely an issue with the way the plugin bootstraps itself (PokemonProgressListener). This seems to also be the case with the new UI. This is the main issue, and is a blocker for release of a new version.

This has also been reported on Arch Linux

deprecated API usages

The plugin verifier warns: "1 usage of scheduled for removal API and 3 usages of deprecated API"

update IDEA SDK minimum version

The plugin is currently being built with the 2021.1.3 SDK. That's quite old; I should update that to 2022.3.3, if not 2023.1.6, as that still let people use versions of intellij that are approx a year old.

update IDEA gradle plugin

I'm currently on version 1.4.0, and I know there are newer versions that I should use instead. I should also see if there are any new helpful tools in newer versions.

Shenjoku commented 4 months ago

I've been noticing this same issue. It doesn't work without the unload and reload on the latest Rider versions :( Would be really nice if this could be fixed.