We and Grazac recently announced in our last event Ogun Digital Summit with over 3,000 participants about the first Web3 physical (6-month BootCamp) training in Ogun state. Over 400 interested participants have filled the waitlist.
This community workshop will be focused on an intro + pre-BootCamp event to introduce people to the Kaia blockchain. It will be a session of networking between transitioning web2 developers, web3 developers, designers, writers and product managers.
We aim to host a minimum of 100 participants while we project 200 people to attend this event.
The workshop will:
Prepare them (technical and non-technical) as to what to expect in the BootCamp
Intro to web3
How you can come in as a developer, designer, product manager
We and Grazac recently announced in our last event Ogun Digital Summit with over 3,000 participants about the first Web3 physical (6-month BootCamp) training in Ogun state. Over 400 interested participants have filled the waitlist.
We aim to host a minimum of 100 participants while we project 200 people to attend this event.
The workshop will:
Budget Kaia rollup and event banner and : $40 Logistics: $20 Refreshment: $100 Internet: free sound system: $10 Hall: $10 Speakers welfare: $20
Total = $200
Proposed date: December 13th 2024
Bounty track