kaiachain / kaia-dapp-mono

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Proposal: [The KIln: NFT Minter] #72

Closed LurkyLunk closed 1 week ago

LurkyLunk commented 1 month ago


Watch the demo video

🚀 Features 🔗 Multi-Wallet Integration: Seamless connection with Kaikas and MetaMask wallets. 🖼️ User-Friendly Minting: Intuitive interface for uploading media and minting NFTs. ⛽ Real-Time Gas Estimation: Accurate gas fee predictions before minting. 🔒 Role-Based Access Control: Enhanced security with customizable minting permissions. 📊 Supply Management: Set and manage the maximum supply for your NFT collections. 🌐 IPFS Integration: Reliable, decentralized storage for NFT metadata and assets via Pinata.]

Bounty track

LurkyLunk commented 1 month ago

Does this work? What do i do next?

zxstim commented 1 month ago

I like the idea. You would need to improve the UI/UX more for bounty though since the bounty amount is much higher than before.

For submission, you would post here the repositories with the code (frontend and contracts), plus link to your deployed app.

kaia-dev-intern commented 1 month ago

Also, highly recommend checking out ERC6551 to add in with your submission. There are some interesting tech with that.

LurkyLunk commented 1 month ago

thanks, @zxstim will do. Also, thanks for the suggestion @kaia-dev-intern i will check it out.

LurkyLunk commented 1 month ago

does this look better? if not can you please give me a lil more detail about what i need to change to make it more appealing @zxstim https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmeAxtTivHnQxecoimX6DPsfLbnQVScDzMU3xSeEr8cbiw

zxstim commented 1 month ago

Ok. Imma be fair on this since that viral pump dot fun also looks like shit. Can you submit your code repos and link to your deployed app?

zxstim commented 1 month ago

Yea take your time. I will be ok if the UX is good. Meaning it's easy to use the functionalities, regardless of the UI design.

LurkyLunk commented 1 month ago

url https://klaytn-nft-minter.vercel.app/

contracts: https://github.com/Masxon-Studios/simple-klaytn-nft

frontend: https://github.com/Masxon-Studios/klaytn-nft-minter

Sorry i got swamped at work. I split the repository in two. Frontend and Contracts. I plan on doing more to it as i go along. lmk of any other cool ideas you have that i can knock out after the community badge bot. I should be done with it soon. Also, can i just keep adding the functionality to my ecosystem or should i create an entirely new dapp each time. I have more ideas that i will submitting soon. Should i post my wallet address here or?

zxstim commented 4 weeks ago

@LurkyLunk follow the instruction here to receive the payout. I will check your work and revert back soon


zxstim commented 4 weeks ago

btw, your deployed app just showed this, nothing else


LurkyLunk commented 4 weeks ago

Let me know if it's working for you now.

zxstim commented 3 weeks ago

It still shows just blank background for me

LurkyLunk commented 3 weeks ago

That is odd. That would only mean you don't have kaikas wallet installed, which I just assumed that you of all people would have a kaikas wallet extension installed. That is ok though, I have other plans for it.

zxstim commented 3 weeks ago

Lol. I would suggest you to use RainbowKit. I'm a power user so kaikas doesn't fit my day-to-day nor my development work.

Best not to assume what your users have because people have many different setups. Many are on mobile as well.

LurkyLunk commented 2 weeks ago

frontend: https://github.com/Masxon-Studios/THEKILN

contracts: https://github.com/Masxon-Studios/simple-klaytn-nft

url: https://kiln-tau.vercel.app/

https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmZP7SoNNRg5N5t8Xy75FoTC91Z5bXQ4FcgrrVSiHdUjFP Sorry about all the hassle. Thanks for all the advice. Im going to get the Discord bot finished now. And i had to change my address for payment just FYI

zxstim commented 2 weeks ago

Cool. Give me a few days to check on this.

zxstim commented 2 weeks ago

Hmm... I think there are some issues with your smart contract. You called the mintNFT function but no NFT minted out. Transaction went to a normal address instead of a contract.

zxstim commented 2 weeks ago

Also, please include a testnet version as well before you go to mainnet. Testnet should work before mainnet deployment.

LurkyLunk commented 2 weeks ago

Somehow some of my work got reverted when deploying, I fixed it. Thank you.

LurkyLunk commented 1 week ago

Please if this works for you send payment ASAP I really need it. it's kinda an emergency at this point.

zxstim commented 1 week ago


this is what i got. Can't mint. Happy to bring up the bounty the more polished the dapp. Current bounty payout is 1500 KLAY to 2500 KLAY

just a note, Kaia Onchain Summer will end but a new campaign will start immediately after so no rush.

LurkyLunk commented 1 week ago

Ok thank you and I'm not sure why it's doing this but I will fix it.

LurkyLunk commented 1 week ago

Ok try it now it should be working for you, im sorry about that. Im going to add a page where you can view them and a few other things if you have any suggestions of how to make it more polished please lmk.

LurkyLunk commented 1 week ago


Ok check it out now and tell me what you think. just so you know, It may take a min for the NFT to show up in your profile.

zxstim commented 1 week ago

Somewhat rough around the edges but I can mint the NFT now. Approved for 1500 KLAY payout.

Highly encourage you to keep building this up with more feature sets, different NFT types, etc.

Grow it into an easily customizable NFT launch tool.

zxstim commented 1 week ago

Closing this issue ready for payout

LurkyLunk commented 1 week ago

I could do more to it and more dapps if you would respond in a reasonable timeframe and if you want to keep paying me otherwise I would have to add some kind of fees also could respond to the discord bot thread so I can finish it up also.

zxstim commented 6 days ago

I am happy to keep paying you as you make more upgrades (substantial improvement). Also, the free DApp is an old rule, you can charge users how ever much you want.

Ok. Regarding responding within a reasonable timeframe, I do need time to review your codebase, try things out. At the same time, I also have others submitting as well. And other works/research. Then once in a while i go on short leave. Just keep tagging my handle for attention since github is bad at notification.

LurkyLunk commented 6 days ago

Ok thank you for the clarification and understanding I know your busy. I'll continue to make improvements

zxstim commented 6 days ago

Add yourself to the hall of fame here so others would know and check out your minter


LurkyLunk commented 4 days ago

Ok i create a PR for the hall for the hall of fame.